View Full Version : Individual Plans

16-09-2011, 08:40 PM
Hi everyone

I'm hoping someone can help me, I'm struggling with what exactly you put in an individual plan and how long an individual plan lasts for


17-09-2011, 05:44 PM
Hi Sam, If you use search at the top of the page and input individual planning you will find a lot of old posts with information that can help you...I always do this before posting and it has answered most of my questions...if not just ask again...:thumbsup:

17-09-2011, 05:48 PM
Hi sam look at Sarah 707 on here as she has some fab ebooks that help loads.good luck x

17-09-2011, 10:00 PM
Individual planning is about following up a child's interests which you have spotted through observations or parents have told you about of the child has mentioned... with activities the child will enjoy to extend their learning.

An individual plan lasts as long as the child's interest lasts. There is no finite time limit it can be hours, days or weeks.

Hth :D

21-09-2011, 01:11 PM
Individual planning is about following up a child's interests which you have spotted through observations or parents have told you about of the child has mentioned... with activities the child will enjoy to extend their learning.

An individual plan lasts as long as the child's interest lasts. There is no finite time limit it can be hours, days or weeks.

Hth :D

Hi Sarah
I have a mindee who seems to have many interest is it better to pinpoint one and focus on that for example he loves playing with the small car an takes them out every morning lines them up, plays crashing games, sometimes uses the garage then he will play with the babies and fruit and veg. If I start to put the cars away of ask him if he is finished he will run back to play with them. This happens during free play and I am not sure how to record it as individual interest and how to move him on.

:o Sorry it sound a bit long winded just trying to give you a fuller picture
any advise thanks

09-10-2011, 07:26 PM
I would say something along the lines of "X shows a wide range of interests, sub as Cars, dolls, shops etc" planning could simply be to ensure he has the opportunity to play with at least one of his interests each session? And utilising the "lining up of cars" for eg to learn counting?