View Full Version : how dare she

15-09-2011, 06:58 PM
as most of you now my baby was born with a swelling on the side of his face its quite big and more noticeable when you look at him full on (hes 2 weeks old) today a lady looked in and said aw how cute then jared moved his head and she asked what it was then she said oh cant you keep him covered up. i was morified and just walked off , really wish i had said something . why should i keep him covered up , im still mad about it now and have thought of loads of different things i could have said to her

15-09-2011, 07:02 PM
OMG!! I feel like punching her myself!!! :angry:

People like that aren't worth a thought! Grrrr....

15-09-2011, 07:13 PM
Stupid woman ignore her :(

Hugs xx

15-09-2011, 07:33 PM
omg thats so awful, just ignore her hun. im sure he's just gorgeous.

big hugs xxxxxx

15-09-2011, 07:39 PM
How rude was she. Some people just do not think before they speak.:angry:

Don't give her or her stupid remark a second thought.

Sending a huge hug

Carol xx

15-09-2011, 07:39 PM
I know it's hard, but try to ignore her ignorance. Some people really do open their mouth before they put their brain in gear

:group hug:

15-09-2011, 07:40 PM
:panic: i would have swung for her what a horrible thing to say. :angry:

15-09-2011, 07:41 PM
dont give the stupid woman another thought, she is not worth it!

15-09-2011, 07:44 PM
I know how it feels Ive been there toox my son has hydrocephalus and as a baby his head was quite large and he had to wear glasses, we had lots of ignorant comments, one even said " these young mums will put anything on babies these days just look shes even stuck glasses on it" !!!!!!!!!!
I was 27 so I dont think I was young and I dont know anyone that would put glasses on a child that didnt need them. I got quiet revenge tho in karma cos she was so busy talking about me and my baby she missed her footing on the escalator and fellx

Im sure your little one is beautiful do not cover him up!! show him off with the pride he deserves. xxx

The Juggler
15-09-2011, 08:53 PM
silly, ignorant woman. next time give her a deathly stare :angry: :angry:

15-09-2011, 08:58 PM
I thought that sort of attitude went out with the ark? :angry: stupid women

15-09-2011, 09:14 PM
There are some ignorant fools about. You did the best thing walking away, don't waste a momment of your time by giving the :censored: another thought.

15-09-2011, 09:36 PM
I know how it feels Ive been there toox my son has hydrocephalus and as a baby his head was quite large and he had to wear glasses, we had lots of ignorant comments, one even said " these young mums will put anything on babies these days just look shes even stuck glasses on it" !!!!!!!!!!
I was 27 so I dont think I was young and I dont know anyone that would put glasses on a child that didnt need them. I got quiet revenge tho in karma cos she was so busy talking about me and my baby she missed her footing on the escalator and fellx

Im sure your little one is beautiful do not cover him up!! show him off with the pride he deserves. xxx

Hope you let out a really loud 'Haaaaaaaa!'
Ive decided next time some one is rude about me im going to say something rude about the loud enough so that they can hear.

your not the only one people used to comment at my mum and say 'cant you cover it up' because my younger sister has a birthmark above her left eye which is a dark pinky red colour (looks like the map of england!) and people used to accuse my mum of child abuse, after the second time the social worker came out they said they'll put a note on her file so they don't keep coming out, mum used to get upset about it but after the first 6 moths to a year she just learned to ignore it. It is horrible how judgmental and rude people can be no-ones perfect!

You just have to think that he is gorgeous all little babies are and that their opinion don't matter the only peoples that should are yours and your partners. Karma will get them x

15-09-2011, 09:58 PM
Some people are soooo rude they should keep there thoughts to themselves they have no conscience :angry: :angry: :angry:

16-09-2011, 08:52 AM
She is :censored: rude.

I have seen pictures of him and he is a gorgeous baby with the most beautiful eyes x x

16-09-2011, 09:14 AM
just *hugs*
She's bound to have some insecurity herself and uses picking on other people as a way to make herself feel better. Take no notice. And enjoy your gorgeous baby x

16-09-2011, 10:07 AM
Thoughtless silly woman. My son has a disorder & a woman commented on him the other day:angry: After lots of times of wishing i'd said something to nosey people when i get a 'look' or comment I actually did & she shut up straight away:)

16-09-2011, 11:29 AM

What an evil old cow!!!!
She needs a slap! How dare she!!!!

Big hugs to you :group hug:


blue bear
17-09-2011, 07:39 AM
My response would have been "why" ignorant cow

17-09-2011, 08:26 AM
Some people just have no social intelligence, or in this case any type of intelligence. I'd put money on her having people in her life who go out of their way to avoid her, so take comfort in knowing there are other people who have been left open mouthed and speechless at her ignorance.

17-09-2011, 08:38 AM
To be honest sweetie some people are not worth your brain power to give another thought.

Easy for me to say I know as it wasn't my precious baby that the remark was aimed at.

The level of ignorance she has shown is to be pitied and then risen above.

Just remember she doesn't have a gorgeous baby and you do.

17-09-2011, 01:27 PM
Oh hun I feel for you there are some really ignorant ppl around. Everyone is right though .... do not give it a second thought, people often engage mouth before their brain.

We were at the Dr with my daughter a while back and she has lordosis and scoliosis of the spine - and the lordosis makes her stomach stick out ( but unless she is wearing something very baggy you can clearly see her spinal curve). This man looked at her and said " My goodness you have a bigger belly than me!"

Luckily she didn't have a clue what it meant and just smiled sweetly at him, I gritted my teeth, glared and moved her away... he wasn't worth the hassle.

Big hugs xx

18-09-2011, 11:10 AM
We were at the Dr with my daughter a while back and she has lordosis and scoliosis of the spine - and the lordosis makes her stomach stick out ( but unless she is wearing something very baggy you can clearly see her spinal curve). This man looked at her and said " My goodness you have a bigger belly than me!"

Sometimes people say things without realising how they sound. He might not have meant it in a mean way, and he may not have realised she has a major medical condition that causes the problem.

Of course he could also just be a total w****r.