15-09-2011, 06:04 AM
Morning Everyone

Lovely sunny morning here so hope its here for the day

How is everyone ?

I only had a few hours sleep again due to my bad chest and cough , why is it always worse at night grrr its going to be a very long day

We are painting and going to the park later, what are you all doing ?

Have a super duper day everyone and enjoy the sunshine if you have it

Angel xx

15-09-2011, 06:14 AM
Morning Angel, not sunny but not that cloudy here this morning, meant to stay nice so hopefully get a load of washing out.
We're off to playgroup then i've got a lo i used to look after for the day as mum has an interview. Easy day as he's a friend of the family so knows me well and Rose is excited he's coming to pick her up from school.

Both my children slept all night, thank god as i don't think i could of done another day after 2hrs sleep. My face is sore as i banged it on the dining room table yesterday but thankfully no bruising.

Hope your feeling better soon Angel, have a good day.

15-09-2011, 06:37 AM
Morning all

nice day here, we are off to the local country park after school runs, I just keep thinking though that 4 weeks today we are off to the U.S. :clapping:

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

15-09-2011, 06:52 AM
Morning everyone

Bright and sunny here but very chilly.
Off to Toddler group this morning at the local church hall. I've got my before & after schoolers plus a 10m, 22m and a 2.5yr old today, so busy, busy, busy :D

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

15-09-2011, 06:59 AM
Morning all! I have 3 under 2's today... We're going to get all messy with the finger paints. Hopefully weather will stay bright and dry and we can get out to check our garden!
Have fun!!!!
Sharon x :jump for joy:

15-09-2011, 08:12 AM
Morning everyone , sunny but chilly here this morning! brrrrrrrr

Got the docs soon then coming back for my tesco delivery and then its school pick up and then back to school as dd has a meeting about her school trip to Germany next week.

Hope your feeling better soon Angel, don't leave your bad chest it will only get worse :thumbsup: x

15-09-2011, 08:43 AM
We have sunshine here too, I have made biscuits for the children to decorate this morning and we will play in the garden make the most of the weather xx