View Full Version : planning

claire & steve
14-09-2011, 10:29 AM
I do group monthly planning with a theme that we do work towards and activities and i also do a a4 individual planning sheet with the days of the week on and my planning, i do link this to eyfs but sometimes i have no evidence we have done what i planned because it changes or other things happen is this ok? and all the weekly planning sheets do they need to go in the lj's

14-09-2011, 05:47 PM
Individual planning should go in each child's LJ but not group stuff.

My planning is scribbled on because we change our minds and do different things.

The most important thing is to show you are following children's interests.

Hth :D

claire & steve
15-09-2011, 08:20 AM
Thank you sarah, you are always so helpful:)