View Full Version : Observation and Planning??????????

ayesha athar
14-09-2011, 07:56 AM
Hello I am just struggling with my paper work , dont have enough time to sleep:(
I have just 1 child 1 year old and I write daily diary where I write what child did,eat and any new point like she said 'car' first time etc.Her likes and dislikes,share with parent and she writes something she knows. How should I do plan with just a 1 year old. even i searched internet but find it very complicated please help me arranging Observation ,Assessment and planning and how can I do it????Ofsted Inspection next week someday:(

14-09-2011, 11:58 AM
I struggle too, have a look on some other posts for planning it will give you some ideas :)

14-09-2011, 01:18 PM
What I do is the same as you where I do a daily diary for my child. I also do one to two observation of my child a month. I write what i have observed, write down what areas of development that i have covered also with photo evidence, then I write what I have learnt from the doservation then I plan an activity. I note down in the child's daily dairy what I have observed and what i will do next. This then gives parents opportuntity to feedback. I then put my next steps on a note in my folder, so then when I plan I have it clear in front of me what needs to go on my planning sheet.

For e.g If you observed your child in the sand exploring I would repeat this activity and then give opportunites to explore other textures like paint, cornflour etc. I then follow up my next steps with a photo to show that I have carried out my next steps activity.

Hope this is some help :)

14-09-2011, 05:33 PM
Observation - child does something new

Assessment - wow she's a very clever child. That links to the Eyfs xxx

Next steps planning - support the child to do it again


Observation - mum says that child said a new word at home

Assessment - I have noticed child saying different sounds recently as well. This links to Eyfs xx

Next steps planning - read lots of books together to practice new words

Don't over think it.. it's stuff you do every day! You just need to get it on paper :D

ayesha athar
17-09-2011, 06:32 PM
Thank you Everyone:)