View Full Version : Have I got them all?

06-09-2011, 12:17 PM
Hi ladies,

I have spent the last couple of days doing my RA's and just wondering if I have forgotten any?

So far I have got -

In the home - bathroom and toilet/ living room and hallway/ kitchen/ conservatory/ garden and driveway/ guinea pigs

Toys & activities - babies/ toddlers/ crafts (crafts is a general one and will do RA on each toy as I get them)

Outings - School run/ shop/ park not sure what other outings to do so may just do more when I actually have a child!

I won't be using my car initially so haven't done that but again when I come to start using it will add it in. Think thats it for now but sure I have forgotten something glaringly obvious!

06-09-2011, 05:24 PM
Fire safety / evacuation procedures - you can build that up as you do fire practices with the children but you need a basic one to start off.

Hth :D