View Full Version : turning 13yrs

04-09-2011, 03:36 PM
my daughter turns 13 next month and I wanted to do somthing a bit special or different to mark it but dont know what,, she dosent want a party and isnt bothered about going anywhere special and she says 'its just another year and another number ' shes really not fussed but I wonder if I could come up with some suggestions she may rethink
I did think of having her ears peirced but she dosent want to,,

04-09-2011, 03:40 PM
How about taking her for a pampering day, haircut, nails done etc.

My girls would have hated that, but you never know.

Or going to the theatre and making a day of it.

04-09-2011, 03:49 PM
I dont think mine will forget turning 13.... I live very near a school so most of her friends had to go past our house... we had a huge banner outside wishing her a happy birthday and another asking for 'help... teenager in the house!' We also met her from school with all the mindees and balloons - she was embarrased but will never forget it (and spent most of the day with everyone wishing her a happy birthday) :D :laughing:

I would also go for something grown up like the pampering day, a meal out somewhere special or maybe a show depending on where you live....

04-09-2011, 06:29 PM
I cooked my DD dinner for herself and 5 friends. Asked them to dress smart for dinner. Posh china out candles etc and her choice of meal - then I was the waitress bringing it in, keeping out of the way between courses!

even coffee and mints for those that wanted and a gold 'party bag' to take home with nail gems and bits in.

The Juggler
05-09-2011, 07:27 AM
def. a pamper session - I know I would have loved that at 13:)