View Full Version : i'm a witch!!!

31-08-2011, 07:22 AM
or what ever you want to call it but I HAVE THE POWER!!!

seriously they're going to call me the uterus whisperer ah ah ah ah aha

i don't remember once having had a feeling about the sex of the baby when meeting a pregnant lady and being wrong.

last year out of the blue i told a mum that her little girl wanted a sibbling and she told me she just had miscariage( this i didn't see coming!!!) and i told her i was convinced she was going to have a little boy, and she got pregnant straight after the miscariage and had a boy.

when this mum was pregnant i told my other mum that she'll be on maternity leave just afer this lot come back to me, she laughed it off and said she wouldn't have a baby before next summer if at all......she just announced she's due on the month i said so last year!!!!:eek: :eek:

i'm a witch!!!! i wish i could make work come my way :D :laughing: :laughing:

Carol M
31-08-2011, 07:47 AM
Watch out Psychic Sally :eek:
Carol xx

31-08-2011, 08:05 AM
mystic Gegele ah ah ah ah ah ah ahb

31-08-2011, 11:56 AM
The power of positive thinking. Try sending the thought out that you will have x amount of mindees by x date and let us know the outcome :laughing:

31-08-2011, 02:50 PM
i'm going to try...LOL

and repeat every day : "today a miracle is going to happen"

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

positive positive positive#

Helen Dempster
31-08-2011, 08:50 PM
or what ever you want to call it but I HAVE THE POWER!!!

seriously they're going to call me the uterus whisperer ah ah ah ah aha

i don't remember once having had a feeling about the sex of the baby when meeting a pregnant lady and being wrong.

last year out of the blue i told a mum that her little girl wanted a sibbling and she told me she just had miscariage( this i didn't see coming!!!) and i told her i was convinced she was going to have a little boy, and she got pregnant straight after the miscariage and had a boy.

when this mum was pregnant i told my other mum that she'll be on maternity leave just afer this lot come back to me, she laughed it off and said she wouldn't have a baby before next summer if at all......she just announced she's due on the month i said so last year!!!!:eek: :eek:

i'm a witch!!!! i wish i could make work come my way :D :laughing: :laughing:

work your witchy magic on me....pleeeeeeeeeease. trying for a baby, but no such luck yet :(