View Full Version : THANK YOU FILE???

30-08-2011, 08:56 PM
Hi all,

Hope you are all coping if minding during the holidays! Im term time only at the moment so getting lots of organising done.

Just after a few ideas. I am aware that we need to keep a complaints file (luckily I havn't had any of those to date - although have only been minding since March). What do you people do with thank yous etc., that you receive? I thought of perhaps sticking them all in a scrap book? For instance one of my little ones bought me a card and pressie on his last day with me before the summer holidays and I thought I would put it in the scrapbook as it had lovely words from his mum in it. Do any of you do this.

Also, I have had some absolutely tearjerking text messages of thanks from parents at various different times. How could I display those do you think. I can only think of writing them on post it notes and then putting them in scrapbooks? Would that not look like I'd made them up though???? Just thought this scrapbook would be something to show ofsted so that they know that parents are happy with me or perhaps to show perspective parents????

Thanks for reading, sorry for waffling! Silly questions really :blush:

miss mopple
30-08-2011, 08:59 PM
What a lovely idea!

I have compliments and complaints in one folder. I print out any emails that say nice things, from parents and my development worker as she has given me some lovely feedback by email :)

I must add the complaints bit is empty !

30-08-2011, 09:26 PM
Thanks for th ereply Miss Mopple. ANy ideas what to do about text messages though?

miss mopple
31-08-2011, 06:34 AM
I think all you can do is copy them down

31-08-2011, 03:39 PM
Thanks for your help. Its just nice to keep on record.

31-08-2011, 04:50 PM
Thanks for th ereply Miss Mopple. ANy ideas what to do about text messages though?

I write them down - if it's about lo's development I put it in their learning journey or if it's a compliment I put it in my file with all the cards, letters etc.

Miffy xx

01-09-2011, 09:51 PM
I have a 'Compliments & Complaints' file too (again the Complaints bit is empty :clapping: ). I keep all my references, thank you cards etc in there. I've printed off reviews my parents have written on childcare.co.uk too. For the texts etc - do you have a website? Could you make a 'Testimonials' page and put the nice texts in quotes? I tell my parents that any feedback they write for me I reserve the right to use anonymously in my promotional literature. Works well for me.