View Full Version : Safeguarding policy

24-08-2011, 08:57 AM
Can I just check, does everyone have the procedures to follow for the Threshold and CAF within this policy or do you just have the info. attached? Thanks:)

Carol M
24-08-2011, 01:02 PM
I do not have this information included in my policy. My Safeguarding Policy includes that I will seek advice from SS and a referral may be made. It is not my responsibility to investigate, SS take over.
A child who goes on to have a CAFis a child with additional needs not neccesarily "a child in need" in the basic safeguarding sense, but still a safeguarding issue. Obviously you need to state the procedure you will follow if you have concerns about a child and how that affects confidentiallity. If a child you care for has a CAF you may well be involved working alongside other agencies depending on the needs of the child and their family.
Carol xx

24-08-2011, 02:48 PM

Thanks so much Carol - was just looking at some things in the 'meeting mintues' I had with my EY's helper and I don't understand something she has put, I'm happy with my safeguarding but she put something to tie in CAF and threshold procedures...the info. I have on this tells me what to do anyway and I would refer to it etc... Bloomin helper - I think not!! lol
Thanks very much again x