View Full Version : Cometh the hour, cometh Mrs O!

16-08-2011, 08:08 PM
I appologise if this appears twice - I did submit earlier but it vanished!!

Ok. So, 9 hours housework, cleaning and tidying yesterday and 2 hours finishing off this morning. Velvetine rabbit on dvd hidden in cupboard to keep children occupied for a while, and everything is ready for 'the visit'.

5 minutes to go and I'm feeling very proud of my sparkly clean house!

Then all hell breaks loose!

DS1 asks to make cakes then cops a teenage strop when I say no!
DS2 & 3 decide dragging an old trailer around the yard with a pedal tractor is a good idea. Then dump yukky wellies right outside the back door!
DD is unbelivably clingy and screams hysterrically everytime I so much as move.
Then DH calls me from the downstairs loo for help! He has managed to whack his thumb with a large hammer whilst holding onto a water trough and split his nail top to bottom and the top of his thumb has split open. By the shape of his thumb there's a pretty good chance it's broken too. Baring in mind DH doesn't bother with injuries - when he fell from a wall and cut his head open he asked the vet to look at it! I knew his thumb hurt. :panic: :panic:

Ibuprofen and ice pack administered, DH went to feed the cows, thumb held aloft.
DS1,2&3 sorted, DD watching dvd.
Coffee on, blood cleaned up, nip to loo. All ready. (Again!)

Thankfully Mrs O. running 5 minutes late.

3 hours later - lots of questions asked and answered, all of house checked, policies/proceedures/risk assesments read. Certificates checked. Coffee drunk.

All done!!:thumbsup:

Now DS1,2,&3 and DD snuggled up in bed, DH thumb swollen and angry looking (It's ok - the vet is out tomorrow!!) Large glass of wine, then bath and bed! :clapping: :clapping:

Now the fun really starts!!:thumbsup:

16-08-2011, 08:12 PM
Wow it sounds like you have had an eventful day! I hope the thumb fixes quickly :D

17-08-2011, 06:11 PM
me and my co minder had ours today been registered for 6 alone and 8 with co minder so happy!!!!!!!:laughing:

Carol M
17-08-2011, 06:40 PM
LOL the best made plans and all that !
Do hope vet will sort thumb for dh but if broken may advise trip to man doctor.:thumbsup:
I'm sure Mrs O was suitably impressed.:thumbsup:
You certainly deserve wine :thumbsup:
Take care :thumbsup:
Carol xx
Sorry I have a warped sense of humour :thumbsup:

17-08-2011, 07:11 PM
Sorry I have a warped sense of humour :thumbsup:

If you didn't have in this job Carol, I'd be worried!! :ROFL1:

Today DH thumb is now looking more thumb like - rather than steak tatar!!:thumbsup:

Sarah xx