View Full Version : first child today all went well

15-08-2011, 02:49 PM
had my first child today and all went well. It was my neighbours child but i have only been in my house 6 weeks so he doesn't really know me but he was good as gold.

He loved playing on the park and earnt gold stars for manners and eating all his food - his treat was to feed my puppy (he adores her)

Shame I am only having him for a few days till he goes back to nursery, oh well experience all the same.

Had another parent visit for me to have her 10 year old during school holidays and is eager to sort the contract now, i think being a secondary art teacher swung it for her as she hasnt even looked at other childminders.

Just need some full time kids now lol

But things are looking up as all the moms at tots group had seen my posters and now know who I am, fingers crossed

15-08-2011, 05:40 PM
had my first child today and all went well. It was my neighbours child but i have only been in my house 6 weeks so he doesn't really know me but he was good as gold.

He loved playing on the park and earnt gold stars for manners and eating all his food - his treat was to feed my puppy (he adores her)

Shame I am only having him for a few days till he goes back to nursery, oh well experience all the same.

Had another parent visit for me to have her 10 year old during school holidays and is eager to sort the contract now, i think being a secondary art teacher swung it for her as she hasnt even looked at other childminders.

Just need some full time kids now lol

But things are looking up as all the moms at tots group had seen my posters and now know who I am, fingers crossed

Well done pleased for you :) x

15-08-2011, 06:47 PM
Awww it's lovely when they have fun! Well done you I bet you are tired tonight :D

15-08-2011, 08:46 PM
Well done:clapping:

16-08-2011, 06:56 AM
Glad it went well for you.

Fingers crossed you get some more work soon

Miffy xx