View Full Version : ok tell me what is geocaching?

14-08-2011, 06:35 AM
Heard lots of people going on about it, what is it, how do you do it and what equipment do you need?
Thank you x

14-08-2011, 06:54 AM
All your questions will be answered here: http://www.geocaching.com/

14-08-2011, 10:20 AM
It is like a treasure hunt. Great fun a good laugh and a good walk in the process.

We got hooked after being taken out by our son. You get the coordinates of 'caches' (treasure) using a GPS and then you have to find them, they can be hidden anywhere and can be large, with trinkets of treasure to take, but you must leave something if you do take an item. Or they can be very small and magnetic with just a little roll of paper to sign your name.

We did some last week in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, lovely walk and a picnic and fun searching for the caches.

Enjoy! :)

14-08-2011, 04:53 PM
its great fun.

roseolivia and i ( plus the children ;) ) did one when we met at the national railway museum in york the other week :D

we've just found some beautiful, slightly out of the way places on holiday in the yorkshire dales, that we would not have gone to, had we not been looking for caches :blush: ( DH gets a bit fed up with me going STOPPPPPPP! when driving and the GPS changes direction! )

you can cache all ove the world .....

i have a free app for a geocompass on my phone. DH has one on his iphone, but its not as acuurate as mine. you can also use a tomtom etc for geocaching.


14-08-2011, 05:44 PM
you can cache all ove the world .....

apparently there is even one on the space station!! :eek:

14-08-2011, 05:48 PM
Yes it's great fun. we're hoping to do some when we go up to Scotland next week.
You sometimes just need to go careful with nettles as i've learnt the hard way, i now keep a pair of rubber gloves in my car:laughing:

14-08-2011, 07:02 PM
It's great fun, we started at the end of feb and have done 48 now :) They've shown us lots of places we'd never come across before and give us a good excuse to get out in the fresh air as a family.

14-08-2011, 07:09 PM
this geocaching sounds great fun, might have to give it a go, what equipment do I need.

I do a lot of Off roading with my Landrover which involves driving all over the countryside, is this something that I could link into geocaching?

15-08-2011, 10:19 AM
this geocaching sounds great fun, might have to give it a go, what equipment do I need.

I do a lot of Off roading with my Landrover which involves driving all over the countryside, is this something that I could link into geocaching?

oh yes! go to geocaching.com .... they explain it very well, and you can find caches hidden all over the places, thousands and thousands of them !! :D

you just need a GPS unit - tomtom or similar, or i have a free gps app on my phone!