View Full Version : Greater Manchester Police are tweeting names, DOB etc of rioters!

11-08-2011, 08:26 PM
GM Police are tweeting the names, DOBs and addresses (and sentences) of all the rioters caught so far.

The sentences are heavy, some have been sent to jail for swearing at the police.

Lots of complaints about these details being released and lots of support for the police too.

I know which camp I'm in!

http://twitter.com/#!/gmpolice (http://twitter.com/#%21/gmpolice)

11-08-2011, 08:32 PM
Just who is complaining????:rolleyes:

I know what side I'm on :thumbsup:

Carol xx

11-08-2011, 08:52 PM
the names, DOB etc are already in the public domain through the courts. I have zero sympathy with anyone complaining about 'human rights' blah blah blah cos their private info is on their. good to see they're being sentenced - the only thing that concerns me - will they actually serve it - me thinks not?

11-08-2011, 09:10 PM
You can even phone the court and they will tell you the outcome of the case.

Do you think the school teacher who was charged will loose his job. Can you teach with a record ? :(

11-08-2011, 09:14 PM
Human rights were forfeited the moment these criminals put hoods and masks accross their faces and decided to riot, loot, rob and assault Police Officers :angry: :angry:

Chimps Childminding
11-08-2011, 09:26 PM
Human rights were forfeited the moment these criminals put hoods and masks accross their faces and decided to riot, loot, rob and assault Police Officers :angry: :angry:

Absolutely!!!! :thumbsup:

11-08-2011, 09:28 PM

About time this was done

Angel xx

11-08-2011, 10:44 PM
You can even phone the court and they will tell you the outcome of the case.

Do you think the school teacher who was charged will loose his job. Can you teach with a record ? :(

The school he teaches at is five minutes walk from my house and has had outstanding on last two inspections.
I wonder what the procedure is in this type of situation ? If the school are allowed to sack him or just a slap on the wrist.

11-08-2011, 10:54 PM
The school he teaches at is five minutes walk from my house and has had outstanding on last two inspections.
I wonder what the procedure is in this type of situation ? If the school are allowed to sack him or just a slap on the wrist.

I think he will find it very difficult to go back to the school. He is a Teaching Assistant and apparently prided himself on his work with disaffected youths. :rolleyes:

jellybean cc
11-08-2011, 10:54 PM
not sure what age group he teaches but
I hope the parents make the decision for the school, no way would i let my child be in his class. i'd stand in the playground and refuse to let them enter the school building whilst he is in it.

11-08-2011, 10:57 PM
I think he will find it very difficult to go back to the school. He is a Teaching Assistant and apparently prided himself on his work with disaffected youths. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Just the kind of role model these children need !!!!!!

11-08-2011, 11:02 PM
thats great news, if they didnt want their names published then they shouldve stayed home and watched it on the telly not gone out and joined in! as for the teaching assistant i certainly wouldnt want him teaching my children, what kind of example has he set! hopefully they will also name and shame the names of the parents who allowed their very young children out to loot! i've just been out for a family birthday meal in city centre which was very nearly cancelled, but driving home i have to say i was very nervous as i have to drive down the road were all the rioting was here, i did take a detour but still skimmed the area as its my only route home from town, why should a gang of mindless thieving scum make me feel like that in my own home town!

12-08-2011, 05:47 AM
thats great news, if they didnt want their names published then they shouldve stayed home and watched it on the telly not gone out and joined in! as for the teaching assistant i certainly wouldnt want him teaching my children, what kind of example has he set! hopefully they will also name and shame the names of the parents who allowed their very young children out to loot! i've just been out for a family birthday meal in city centre which was very nearly cancelled, but driving home i have to say i was very nervous as i have to drive down the road were all the rioting was here, i did take a detour but still skimmed the area as its my only route home from town, why should a gang of mindless thieving scum make me feel like that in my own home town!

I think they very young children themselves should be punished tbh. If they're old enough to do the crime, they're old enough to do the time...

I'm glad you had your meal ok, it would have been awful to let these thugs ruin it. x

12-08-2011, 07:02 AM
hhhhhmmm what about the human rights of those lives destroyed by the rioters. About time these people were named and shamed :thumbsup:

12-08-2011, 08:35 AM
I think they very young children themselves should be punished tbh. If they're old enough to do the crime, they're old enough to do the time...

I'm glad you had your meal ok, it would have been awful to let these thugs ruin it. x

oh sorry yes i meant that as well, as you say if they are old enough to do the crime and all that, they know the difference between right and wrong they just choose to do wrong, my nine year old watched some of it in amazement and her first question to me was "where are their mums, do their mums know they are out??" sad thing is their mums would probably give them a pat on the back for bringing home the loot!!

meal was lovely thanks just the ride home was scary! and i resent that!