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11-08-2011, 04:06 PM
What are the risks? My mind has gone blank. All I've got is children eating them!! Any others?


11-08-2011, 04:17 PM
Ummm...my mind's mush tonight and I can't really think!

What about glue in eyes?

11-08-2011, 04:37 PM
i once had to pick a child up from pre school and take him to the drs as he had put playdo up his nose!

not sure thats any help!

11-08-2011, 05:54 PM
I guess you could think about some of the tools that you might put out with play dough or glue or allergies to some of the things you might add to playdough.

27-08-2011, 02:04 PM
am i missing something here? are ppl really risk assessing for every single activity they do? don't you just have a generic one saying that you will provide appropriate supervision and support? that you will check cond of equip and resources before and after use and either repair or discard, that you will wash and disinfect regularly? i don't get it. no wonder some ppl have over a hundred RA's! and if this is what i AM supposed to be doing then it's news to me and i had better get my skates on for my inspection next year...yikes!

27-08-2011, 03:55 PM
right, i have just received a reply from my LA childcare development worker (yes, i know, it's saturday, but she happens to be my friend) and she has reassured me that i am doing things correctly and she urges me to urge you all to check Ofsted's "requirements for risk assessments" document. i suspect many of you are doing far more than you need to and no wonder you're sick with worry. chillax:thumbsup:

28-08-2011, 08:17 PM
Has i am aware you need to risk asses the rooms in your house, plus outdoors. A risk assesment for every individual outing that you do too. I have done all my house,outdoors and each outing i go on e.g toddler groups,parks etc. I have done a toys/equipment one and also a pet one. I have also done a other risk form that covers first aid, smoke alarms etc.

28-08-2011, 09:59 PM
I am with you on this marleymoo!
There seems to me a danger of doing more and more then it becomes the norm and then it is expected? I am just returning to minding after a 2 year break and i am hoping to devise a way of not repeating myself in the paperwork stakes! i use to use a large diary and write everything in it? But now....??

29-08-2011, 06:18 AM
I have done a toys/equipment one and also a pet one. I have also done a other risk form that covers first aid, smoke alarms etc.

This amount of risk assesments seems to be getting silly. What risks are associated with a smoke alarm?

29-08-2011, 12:15 PM
This amount of risk assesments seems to be getting silly. What risks are associated with a smoke alarm?

it's true, it's getting crazy. it's also getting crazy with the policies that some CMs have. i have even seen CMs with laminate floor policies!
so far as smoke alarms go, so long as you have it in your fire folder (yes i have a separate one with evacuation proc, location of equip, fire drills, dates i checked batteries or even replaced units) that you will replace batteries and vacuum regularly i can't see what else you would need?
it's only been 2 yrs since my last inspection and i know i've had my head down with studying etc but i seemed to have missed when this panic started. either i am mad whilst everyone around me is sane, or they're all barmy and i'm the only sane one left. which is it????