View Full Version : Outdoor play research

10-08-2011, 07:29 PM
I've the EYP on hold at present and hoping to pick it back up in September, it relies on having some mindees at the minute.

Anyway for one of the tasks I want to write about creating an outdoor play area to encourage the staff in the baby room to take the children out (without pushchairs). I have my rationale and reasons for doing so and my perceived benefits for the children but I'm struggling to find any research on outdoor play and babies. There's a bit for 3+ but I wanted the focus on babies really.

Any help would be appreciated.

Sam x

PS I know the focus needs to be on leading and supporting others but I still need some theory in it.

10-08-2011, 07:57 PM
I have some stuff - somewhere

But also have an ex colleague at Worcestershire LA who is an expert on under threes.

I know she would be willing to help point you in the right direction - so PMme if you would like her work email.

If I find my stuff - I will post again

Penny :)

10-08-2011, 08:15 PM
Finally found my way back to this board. Just wanted to say I sent you a message.


Sam x

20-08-2011, 03:30 PM
forest schools?