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View Full Version : transition between settings form

08-08-2011, 02:33 PM
I have a lo leaving on Friday to go to nursery due to moving away. I'd like to do some sort of document they can give to nursery, but am starting with a blank sheet of paper and although I know what I want to write about him, I'm struggling with the format as I've heard of transition documents but never seen one. Does anyone have one they would be willing to share?



08-08-2011, 03:49 PM
Why don't you start off with introduction " I have been x's childminder for... etc, and then do 6 areas of learning with where he is at each one what he enjoys what he finds difficult and any special topics you have done.

08-08-2011, 03:57 PM
hi, i agree and also you pass on LO's learning file or what ever you have called it,

remember to pass on your details so if nursery/school want to contact you they can along with the permissions form from parents to share information,
