View Full Version : Can I make my own accident sheets?

Madame Gazelle
29-07-2011, 10:27 PM
I am sick of buying the NCMA accident inserts, I never have enough of the relevant bits (accidents in my care and accidents in parents care) but have folders full of everything else, completely unused, I suppose the NCMA know that we mostly need those forms hence why they sell their refills in two halves with the 2 useful bits split up so you have to buy both!

Anyway, does anyone make their own accident book and if so how? Do you somehow use carbon-copy paper like the NCMA?


30-07-2011, 06:37 AM
I make my own, Mrs O said they were fine.

As long as it has the kind of same outline; dob, child name, where accident took place, what you did, how child was, description of what happened, sign part for parents.

If you want to get a body outline just google it :) but I dont have one on mine & still got the thumbs up.

I dont have carbon paper but just write the 2 out & get parents to sign both, they take 1 I keep 1.

Also I print them out so I have both sheets on 1 A4 sheet if that makes sense?

30-07-2011, 07:03 AM
I make my own, Mrs O said they were fine.

As long as it has the kind of same outline; dob, child name, where accident took place, what you did, how child was, description of what happened, sign part for parents.

If you want to get a body outline just google it :) but I dont have one on mine & still got the thumbs up.

I dont have carbon paper but just write the 2 out & get parents to sign both, they take 1 I keep 1.

Also I print them out so I have both sheets on 1 A4 sheet if that makes sense?

Mine sounds very much the same.

I am more than happy to send you a copy to have a look at if you want. Just PM me with email and I will send

Madame Gazelle
30-07-2011, 03:42 PM
Thank you both for your replies, I am definitely going to give up on the NCMA ones in that case. Dave I shall pm you, thank you!

30-07-2011, 04:25 PM
Thank you both for your replies, I am definitely going to give up on the NCMA ones in that case. Dave I shall pm you, thank you!

I have sent you a copy :thumbsup:

30-07-2011, 11:35 PM
both on same sheet? wats on reverse and is it ok to copy it and give to parent next day of care?

31-07-2011, 08:36 AM
My accident sheets are 2 sided - 1 side talks about the accident / the other talks about first aid and risk assessing to prevent it happening again.

It is a legal requirement to note the first aid you have carried out.

Hth :D

31-07-2011, 09:08 AM
I use MM accident forms, which don't have a copy to give to parents. I don't buy them anymore though, I have just laminated one to photocopy as and when I need more.

06-08-2011, 12:57 PM
I do my own, get parents to sign it and then they get their copy back the next day when I have had a chance to scan it in and print it out

jo f
07-08-2011, 07:24 AM
oooooo!!!!! I just presumed we'd have to use theirs. I am sick of refills too and as u say loads that don't get used. Guess what i'll be doing when these run out!!!!Thanks x

07-08-2011, 07:46 AM
oooooo!!!!! I just presumed we'd have to use theirs. I am sick of refills too and as u say loads that don't get used. Guess what i'll be doing when these run out!!!!Thanks x

Apart from contracts, I make all my own paperwork now because it just got too expensive to keep buying!

Miffy xx

07-08-2011, 08:05 AM
i love the idea of laminating and scanning ncma or mm forms might give this a try as my expensise are going throught the roof at the moment!!

07-08-2011, 08:15 AM
Apart from contracts, I make all my own paperwork now because it just got too expensive to keep buying!

Miffy xx

We are the same, it was costing a small fortune for all the differant forms paperwork etc. it may take a bit of time but it is worthwhile doing your own.

07-08-2011, 09:32 AM
i love the idea of laminating and scanning ncma or mm forms might give this a try as my expensise are going throught the roof at the moment!!

surely this is copyright though, just food for thought!