View Full Version : How long was your course?

Mrs Dolphin
27-07-2011, 02:33 PM
Just curious how much it differs in different parts of the country. I am in Cornwall and ours works like this....

2 Pre-reg briefing sessions (was 3 but they have just stopped the last one)
12 hours paediatric first aid course
3 days introduction to childcare at home course (to be done within 6 months of registering)
Food hygiene to be done online

It doesn't seem much I have heard about people doing 12 week courses and everything. The intro to childcare was initially booked for 4 days but I got an email last night saying it has been changed to 3 days. It is all still finded for us which is good but I am wondering if that is why it is so short (lack of money).

27-07-2011, 03:51 PM
Yours sounds similar to what we did 6 years ago. Did our pre reg in the evenings, for 3 hours and think it was over 6 weeks

27-07-2011, 05:54 PM
I'm in Doncaster and it's gone a little something like this!!

1 x briefing session
1 x 12 hr pediatric first aid
fill Ofsted forms
CYPOP Unit 5 distance learning with NCMA (you get 12 weeks and boy it took me all of them!!)
Food hygiene is not compulsory
Been registered so just waiting for my safeguarding and EYFS training now

ALL of which have had to be paid for out of my pocket....

27-07-2011, 07:26 PM
here in sutton did
1X intro 2 hrs
1 day briefing session
8 xmonday evenings about 3 hours
2 xsaturday first aid though i did mine with st johns as im else where on a sat was told id get 70 towards it the words blood and stone spring to mind
it was all free but now the cost is £ 60.00 and not sure if they are chargeing for the 1 st aid course
oh and to register to provide food