View Full Version : MIDDLE OF THE WEEK

27-07-2011, 05:29 AM
Morning Everyone

Going to be a nice day again today - hope you all have the same

So what are you all doing today ?

I finish at 3 today wahoooooo but I bet the day goes slow.

Hope you all have a great day whatever you are doing

Angel xxx

27-07-2011, 05:55 AM
Morning Angel, again not great weather here, no rain just very dull.
Busy day today, housework this morning then have sil and couple friends coming round for lunch with their kids.
Rose fell out of bed last night and has managed to cut her eyelid and it's not starting to bruise. Don't know what she's banged it on as she's got a corner cushion on her table next to the bed.
Looking forward to tea, made a Nigella chilli yesterday and it's been calling to me all night.
Have a lovely sunny day.

What is nigella chilli ? Sounds nice whatever ha

Angel xx

sue m
27-07-2011, 05:58 AM
Morning :D

I've just got one today and she's coming later than usual cos Mum has left her job and starts another in September so they're not going to be here at 8:30 as usual for a while.

I'm going home to Otley tomorrow till Sunday. Mum's 82 and not too good. It's awful that I'm 150 miles from her. She'll have lots of jobs for me to do so I'll be shattered when I get back.

Very grey and overcast here, not looking good at all.

27-07-2011, 05:59 AM
Morning :D

I've just got one today and she's coming later than usual cos Mum has left her job and starts another in September so they're not going to be here at 8:30 as usual for a while.

I'm going home to Otley tomorrow till Sunday. Mum's 82 and not too good. It's awful that I'm 150 miles from her. She'll have lots of jobs for me to do so I'm be shattered when I get back.

Very grey and overcast here, not looking good at all.

Oh hope your mom is ok Sue will text you later

Love me xx

27-07-2011, 06:10 AM
Good Morning - I think!
A bit grey here at the moment - hopefully will improve)

Not sure what day it is - worked all day yesterday - did overnight shift at mindees house - and now got 3 mindees running round the place - including the one I did overnight for - and who had a very distrubed night :(

And another all night tonight for same mindee - I must be MAD

Thinking might go to daughters (cm) for coffee and play if she is in

Have a good day everyone

Penny :)

miss mopple
27-07-2011, 06:13 AM

Busy day today, 3 mindees so off to story time at the library :thumbsup:

My eldest leaves primary school today- whare has the time gone :(

Have a good day all x

27-07-2011, 06:16 AM
Morning Angel

A little dull here today, we have 6 all day first ones arrive at 8.00.

We are staying at home today and doing lots of painting and making of things.:clapping: :clapping:

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

27-07-2011, 06:31 AM
Morning Everyone

Hope the weather is good in Blackpool as we are off to the zoo for the day :clapping: :clapping: Neither of the babies are coming now so it's just the older ones.

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

27-07-2011, 06:55 AM
Dull here :( off to park 3 miles away with 3 children hope it brightens up.Intrested in the Nigella chilli :thumbsup:

christine e
27-07-2011, 07:24 AM
Shouldn't really be on the forum cos I'm on holiday on Isle of Wight! Bit dull at moment but should brighten up later but tbh I don't really care, I'm not working and relaxing and that is just what I need

Have a great day everyone


27-07-2011, 08:54 AM
Morning Everyone

Hope the weather is good in Blackpool as we are off to the zoo for the day :clapping: :clapping: Neither of the babies are coming now so it's just the older ones.

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

Love Blackpool Zoo Carol have a lovely time.

Well had a lie in today as mindee wasnt due till 930 so got up at 910 :blush:

Got my do coming later so a garden day for us but it looks nice enough :clapping:

27-07-2011, 09:14 AM
It's a chilli from Nigella Lawson Christmas recipe book, she puts chocolate in it yummy:laughing:

Morning Angel, again not great weather here, no rain just very dull.
Busy day today, housework this morning then have sil and couple friends coming round for lunch with their kids.
Rose fell out of bed last night and has managed to cut her eyelid and it's not starting to bruise. Don't know what she's banged it on as she's got a corner cushion on her table next to the bed.
Looking forward to tea, made a Nigella chilli yesterday and it's been calling to me all night.
Have a lovely sunny day.

What is nigella chilli ? Sounds nice whatever ha

Angel xx

Carol M
27-07-2011, 12:30 PM
No mindees today :clapping:
Got drs appt this afternoon, usual stuff :(
Waiting to get cake out of oven. Trying another new recipe, Zingy lime this time. I have now got quite a few tried and tested flavours ready for use in celebration cakes. If time later I'm going to practice some sugarpaste roses and bows. I could get used to this, it's so lovely and peaceful here today :)
Carol xx

The Juggler
27-07-2011, 01:13 PM
OMG. My two are wearing me out today. the oldest of the bunch but they are behaving like toddlers, not sharing, winding each other up, being nasty to each other.

give me a room of toddlers any day :panic: :panic: :panic:

27-07-2011, 02:11 PM
No mindees today :clapping:
Got drs appt this afternoon, usual stuff :(
Waiting to get cake out of oven. Trying another new recipe, Zingy lime this time. I have now got quite a few tried and tested flavours ready for use in celebration cakes. If time later I'm going to practice some sugarpaste roses and bows. I could get used to this, it's so lovely and peaceful here today :)
Carol xx

CAKE Carol?
Any chance any of it will be left for pinic tomorrow?

Penny :)

27-07-2011, 02:20 PM
A dull grey day today but we've been to the park all morning and lots of gluing and cutting and colouring this afternoon - the dining table looks scary!!!!! :eek: :laughing: :laughing:

Carol M
27-07-2011, 02:34 PM
CAKE Carol?
Any chance any of it will be left for pinic tomorrow?

Penny :)
:laughing: Will bring you a slice, as long as dh leaves some. He has taken cakes to work for the lads to try and they keep asking for more!
Carol xx

27-07-2011, 03:01 PM
We have been to Eureka and had so much fun. The children were so well behaved I was avery proud CM today :) well done kids xxx

27-07-2011, 03:40 PM
Afternoon everyone

Had a bit of a roll reversal today.

I took my Mum to her Dr's appointment, took her to get her prescription and to get some shopping. Then back at her house, I help my Mum's partner to set up a Paypal account and how to print off photo's form his Laptop.

I thought it was the parents that look after the children, not the other way around!!! :D