View Full Version : Gifts for teachers

26-07-2011, 09:17 PM
My boys have broken up today. They took in homemade cards, jars of strawberry jam, homemade hand cream and homemade chocolate truffles (all made by Ds's!) for their teachers.:)

What do you give to teachers as an end of school year 'thank you' gift?

I was listening to Womens Hour the other day (Yeah yeah, I know - showing my age!!) There was a couple of ladies on their chatting about gifts for teachers. One lady was talking about the gift list one of the teachers had put out to pupils! That's not the half of it.... on said gift list were items such as: a holiday, expensive skin care products, a designer handbag and shoes to name but a few!!!:eek: :eek:

Maybe it's just me, but when I worked at school, it was lovely to be given gifts, but at the end of the day, it was my job, and I certainly didn't expect and gifts - let alone ask for them!!!:o

27-07-2011, 05:51 AM
I got Rose's main teacher a Rose and the other 3 a box of chocolates to share.

27-07-2011, 07:49 AM
I got my little boys reception teacher a large book of spike milligans poems and prose to share with her upcoming reception class. I figured spike's poems would get their interest and maybe help make her work next year easier with the literacy teaching.

For my teens I sent the head a letter informing him that his school had failed my kids so badly I was pulling them out, and that the trust I had in their school had been irreparably broken.

miss mopple
27-07-2011, 08:30 AM
I refuse to spend a fortune on gifts for the teachers year in year out. Yes they do a good job but so do I and I dont get pressies at the end of each term :laughing:

If my kids want to do something its always home made. This year my 11yr old made fudge in hand made cones and my 5yr old made keyrings with their names on. All minimal cost to me as I had the stuff in the cupboards and personally I reckon its much nicer than shop bought gifts :thumbsup:

27-07-2011, 08:49 AM
I sent homemade cakes in - did put them in nice presentation boxes. I refuse to do spend lots of money so the teacher likes me.

27-07-2011, 12:07 PM
I refuse to do spend lots of money so the teacher likes me.

:laughing: Last day of term might be a little late to be trying to buy the teachers affection lol. I think most people get a gift for the teacher if they have done a good job during the year.

Helen Dempster
27-07-2011, 04:00 PM
I got my son's teacher a plant for her garden that would flower year after year, and a very pretty, glass painted water feeder :)

Also, each child decorated a sheet of card in whichever way they wanted and this was then made into a book.

His teacher was retiring though, so it was a bit more special than maybe it would generally have been :)

27-07-2011, 04:27 PM
my children made cards and then made a paper plant pot holder to go round a money plant i had planted on from the big one in my kitchen.

DS teacher was really pleased and said she'd always wanted one and how did she look after it?