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View Full Version : can i carry on?

19-07-2011, 07:57 PM
i love looking after the children who come to me, i love seeing them enjoy and play, i love giving them activitys to do (painting, sticking, messy play etc) i love taking them out and about, feeding them, seeing them grow.
I HATE the paperwork! i just can't get to grips with it and find a simple way of doing it. i do lovely learning journals all about what they have done and describe how they got on. i put in lots of photos and comments but i can't plan for the life of me, i can't do next steps. i have made my house into a nursery, i have all the appropriate toys, equipment etc i do so many activities but its just not enough for ofsted or the local authoritys, i have to show more linking to eyfs and more planning but i just don't know how to do it in a simple fashion which isn't daunting to me.
i look at my paperwork each sunday and just dread filling it all in.
any advice?

19-07-2011, 08:08 PM
i havent had my planning checked yet as i am new at minding but i am using the lovely caterpillar/flower/train/teddy planning sheets on here and they seem to help and they arent massive spaces so i dont feel like i have to put loads and loads in!

19-07-2011, 08:13 PM
thank you i'll have a look at those x

19-07-2011, 08:17 PM
I can't help as you sound just like me! I'm hoping some others can give some advice. I've been a CM for over 20 years, get lots of work and love caring for the children and helping them learn and develop.

At my last inspection I was told everything was great but I need to make more written plans. That was over 2 years ago and I'm still not doing anything different. The thing is with planning, where do you stop? I know some CM have weekly plans, some termly, medium term, long term, etc, etc.

It isn't that I don't know how to do it. I have a level 3 qualification so know all about planning. I just don't see a way to do it which won't involve lots of extra work.

What I do now is a 3 monthly review of each child. I type up their progress in each area of learning. I use basic observations I have done, plus info from their daily diaries as I am better at writing stuff in their diaries than doing obs.

At the end of the review I write next steps for any area of learning which needs more focus. Then I print it and put it in their journals.

I put lots of dated photos in the journal too, with notes under each one and initial of the area of learning each one relates to.

At the front of the journal is my statement on how I cover the EYFS. It explains to parents that I don't do detailed plans; rather that I include activities which cover all areas of learning and which are planned loosely to include the child's current interests and take into account the seasons, weather, etc. It also lists all the activities I do as continual provision and which areas of learning they cover. All the parents are more than happy with this. Each quarter the journal goes home with them and one parent puts photos and notes in from E's home adventures. I include a feedback form each quarter as well, for parents to complete.

I do feel daunted and guilty when I read about all the planning some Child minders do. I'm dreading my next inspection as I know I'll be pulled up on my planning again.

19-07-2011, 08:27 PM
its so true, i love childminding and love my job but i can't meet the requirement for the paperwork as my mind just doesn't work that way. i can't get my head round it all. i am taking my learning journals along to my local childminding meeting for someone to look at and see if i'm ok to be accredited tomorrow and i know she will pull me up on loads just like ofsted.

19-07-2011, 09:31 PM
I hate the paperwork too, when I started 7 years ago I didn't have to do anything like the amount thats expected now! I'm rubbish at planning and much prefer to by spontaneous, my mindees are all learning and having fun but without the paperwork!
I use NobleMinder, which has a really good assessment section. You put in an assessment and then do next steps and links to EYFS. Then print it out and put it in your LJ. I still probably don't do enough for Ofsted, but I don't let it worry me. My kids are happy, love being with me and we have great fun together!

Good luck with your paperwork!

Lynn x

19-07-2011, 10:12 PM
I wasnt sure what to do with the planning and bought Sarahs individual and group planning e-books.

They are only a couple of pounds and really explain everything, give you examples and there are several blank planning sheets that you can print off.

They helped me to get my head round it all:D