View Full Version : COME AND SAY HELLO ......... ITS TUESDAY !

19-07-2011, 05:29 AM
Morning Everyone

Bit dull here this morning , another early start for me boooo

What plans do you all have for today ?

Hope you have a good day everyone and fingers crossed we do not have rain

Angel xxx

christine e
19-07-2011, 05:46 AM

Pretty dull here too. Actually don't mind the weather as it is because it is warm enough to play out without having to put on coats but not warm enough to have to worry about sun hats, cream etc. Going on hols though on Saturday so would like some sunshine for then!

Have a good day everyone


19-07-2011, 05:48 AM
Morning Angel!
Raining here already, got my DO out today and shes gonna nag cause i havent done some of the paperwork i was ment to!:D
Have a good day everyone!

19-07-2011, 05:53 AM
Morning all

not too bad here, haven't got a bad day today once the school run has been done. Off to the park armed with bread for the ducks.

Have a great day all :thumbsup:

Pixie dust
19-07-2011, 05:58 AM
I am sitting here with my cuppa waiting for my 7am mindee to arrive. The sun is trying to shine which is good as a group of us are off for a picnic in the local park this morning.

19-07-2011, 06:00 AM
good morning everyone

well i start work in less than three minutes
very dull weather in derby today :(
once school run is over and done with i have two mindees for the day
not feeling too great i dont know what i have done but i cant walk properly on my right leg :( my ankle is painful.

better go one minute before mayhem starts

have a good day where ever you are :)

19-07-2011, 06:06 AM
Morning all, weather ok here at the moment but it's meant to rain.
It's Rose's last day at nursery today. I'm trying to sort out my house, doing a carboot sale in a few weeks as have so much junk as well as baby clothes. At Zumba and Slimming World tonight so a busy day.
Have a good day everyone.

19-07-2011, 06:09 AM
Morning Everyone :)

A bit miserable this morning but only another 4 days of school runs :clapping:

I shall no doubt have another battle with the school at some stage today :rolleyes:

Off for my weigh in at WW and hopefully I've lost a bit :thumbsup:

A bit of free play for los before we have to go back to school for ds presentation this afternoon:clapping:

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

19-07-2011, 06:10 AM
Morning everyone - started at 630 today and mindee is happily eating his breakfast while I take 5. DHs 40th today:clapping:
Got 4 los today , 2 babies so busy busy - luckily I have an extra pair of hands as have a lovely girl on work experience.
Toddler group followed by baking/ park depending on the weather and babies moods! Just hope the littlest isnt in screaming mode today.

19-07-2011, 06:10 AM
Day of prizegiving for me Ds2 in the morning, Ds1 in the afternoon :thumbsup:

19-07-2011, 06:41 AM
ive got the day off :clapping:

got a bit of paperwork to do but not doing it for more than an hour then the rest of the day is mine to just chill :thumbsup:

19-07-2011, 06:59 AM
Morning everyone

It is supposed to be dry this morning, so off into town to get DH an anniversay prezzie ready for tomorrow before this afternoons rain sets in.

No mindees this morning so making the most of it before they get dropped off at lunchtime.

Have a great day :thumbsup:

19-07-2011, 07:06 AM

morning all. 1 mindee today, my adorable little 2yr old horror :laughing:

It is sunny at the moment :clapping: :clapping: so will go in the garden to start and make the most of it - which means football for as long as I can face it! He is good at amusing himself outside too so might sneak out the washing on the line while the sun lasts

probably some painting for him and I need photos outside for a treasure hunt tomorrow (4yr olds last day:( and a party for him)

19-07-2011, 07:09 AM
Morning all
We have Sun, Sun Su- u -un :clapping: :clapping:

Toddler group this morning

Have a good one


Curly Quavers
19-07-2011, 07:36 AM
Helloooooo :D

Haven't posted on this forum in AGES!

Very dull here been working since 7.20am (meant to be 7.30am) then when I went to the door the 4 1/2 year old says thought you were still sleeping! felt like saying yeah well if your dad would drop you off ON TIME!!!!! :rolleyes: I just smiled though!

Working at 4.15 (ish) then Slimming World tonight so a busy day.

Cammie Doodle
19-07-2011, 07:54 AM
Morning all, just me and baby left now as 2 girls have gone to School, so quiet here until after School when I have 4 coming in off the School bus. Bit Dull here , hope it picks up for the Schoolies coming in :rolleyes:

19-07-2011, 08:06 AM
Grey and miserable here :( having severe behaviour problems with one of my 2 year olds already - could be a long day!!

19-07-2011, 08:49 AM
Morning lovely and sunny here :clapping:

Starting work at 1pm today so im sat here with a cuppa and brekki

Looking forward to friday as dd packs up school for the hols :jump for joy:

Hope you all have a fab day x

19-07-2011, 11:38 AM
This morning started off lovely and sunny and i debated whether to hang my washing out.

Glad i didn't as we have just had torrential rain and a thunderstorm, which the mindees and i loved, they were counting how long it was between the flashes and the crashes as one mindee calls them.

Possible walk after lunch, dependant on the weather which is not looking good. The same mindee says the sky looks angry, bless him. :)

19-07-2011, 04:58 PM
had a nice day, playing outside & in, and a play in the park. my washing even almost dried before it rained! then mindee went home and i collected my 2 from school ... and boy did it rain!

... so what did my 2 and their friends in the road decide to do? have a beach party :rolleyes: in the pouring rain! and just in case they weren't wet enough, they managed to empty my water tray of water all over themselves as well !!! :laughing:

i do hope the other mummies will talk to me again! i did tell ALL the children to MAKE sure their mums knew they would be getting wet !!!!