View Full Version : Fire Drill Record

10-07-2011, 10:31 AM
How do you record your fire drills? Does anyone have a pro forma that I could have a look at please?

Thanks in advance. x

Pixie dust
10-07-2011, 10:51 AM
I have a little book where I record date/time/ number of children and adults. How long it took to get out and any problems, then I sign it. When I had my inspection Ofsted was happy with that. They like it when you record any difficulties and how you will do it different next time.

10-07-2011, 11:10 AM
Thanks that seems a good idea I already have a book that I sign off to say when I have checked smoke alarms so it could be recorded with that.

When you have practice drills do you worry about children's shoes and coat? I know if it really was the real thing you wouldn't be bothered and just get them out, but I can imagine it it was in the winter and it was cold and raining parent wouldb't be too happy if child had wet socks etc. What do you do?

10-07-2011, 04:14 PM
Thanks that seems a good idea I already have a book that I sign off to say when I have checked smoke alarms so it could be recorded with that.

When you have practice drills do you worry about children's shoes and coat? I know if it really was the real thing you wouldn't be bothered and just get them out, but I can imagine it it was in the winter and it was cold and raining parent wouldb't be too happy if child had wet socks etc. What do you do?

I've asked all parents to provide indoor shoes/slippers that have rubber soles for their children. I've explained this is so when we have fire practice they do not get wet feet.

None have sent any in so I assume they do not mind their kiddies getting wet, mucky socks...

If you start messing about getting shoes on for the practice they may think they have to scoot off and find shoes in a real fire...

10-07-2011, 06:30 PM
Thanks that seems a good idea I already have a book that I sign off to say when I have checked smoke alarms so it could be recorded with that.

When you have practice drills do you worry about children's shoes and coat? I know if it really was the real thing you wouldn't be bothered and just get them out, but I can imagine it it was in the winter and it was cold and raining parent wouldb't be too happy if child had wet socks etc. What do you do?

I try and pick my times so they're not going to get soaking wet, not that the children mind, they love the novelty of dashing outside with no shoes on! :laughing:

Miffy xx

10-07-2011, 06:37 PM
We do fire practices in the rain just to see how the children react.

The first one - they were all ok except for one little boy who absolutely freaked about getting wet feet :(

Mum now sends slippers which have resolved the problem.

We do them quite regularly in the rain just to make sure everyone can cope and to reinforce why the lo needs to wear slippers!!

Hth :D