View Full Version : Handwriting

03-07-2011, 06:52 PM
Hi guys

Just sat here planning for the week ahead and one of the things I will be doing is working on handwriting skills with a couple of my 4 year olds.

Does anyone know of any resources/websites I can use. I already have sheets with lines, circles, squiggles etc but just wondered if anyone is using anything else.

Thanks in advance :thumbsup:

03-07-2011, 07:03 PM
www.eslwritingwizard.com is one Ive used before

Chatterbox Childcare
03-07-2011, 07:07 PM
What about making the letters out of playdough or getting a washing up bottle full of water and going out the front into the road to makes the shapes of letters.

03-07-2011, 08:34 PM
What about - if the weather is fine - writing letters in chalk outside on a wall or driveway - it will all wash off in the rain too - bonus!!:D

04-07-2011, 05:00 PM
Thanks Guys :clapping:

Had a great handwritng session this afternoon and used some of your ideas.

I love this forum, there is so much knowledge out there :thumbsup:

04-07-2011, 05:20 PM
www.eslwritingwizard.com is one Ive used before

What an amazing site!! I've just made LOADS of homemade sheets!! x

04-07-2011, 07:14 PM
Ive been doing this for the last 2-3 weeks with the ones starting school in Sept.One request from a mum was I'd like him to recognise his numbers maybe you could work at that and also do one letter a week of the alphabet:eek:.i thought and yes I'll teach him his multiplication whilst Im at it:blush: ( naughty me!)

04-07-2011, 10:36 PM
Ive been doing this for the last 2-3 weeks with the ones starting school in Sept.One request from a mum was I'd like him to recognise his numbers maybe you could work at that and also do one letter a week of the alphabet:eek:.i thought and yes I'll teach him his multiplication whilst Im at it:blush: ( naughty me!)

It's amazing what parents think we should just teach their children!! x

08-07-2011, 08:01 PM
Writing in shaving foam is fun too!

09-07-2011, 12:01 PM
handwriting is about more than letter formation..... strength of hand and finger and being able to use a tripod grip properly are really important as well as co-ordination, so any fine motor skill promoting activities are perfect for example, thrading beads and pasta onto string, using a cocktail stick to make marks and patterns in play dough/salt dough/clay, using tweezers to transfer pom poms from a tub to an ice cube tray (also supports mathematic skills), spooning marbles/lentils from one place to another etc etc.

jen x

09-07-2011, 12:08 PM
Thanks Jen :thumbsup:

I read this whilst researching handwriting and already being doing the fine motor skills activities. It really does help.

15-07-2011, 10:20 AM
there are some great books available this week in a supermarket chain where you can spend a little, live alot (not sure if I can name them directly here) that are for maths and english - £1.99 each for different age groups - you could copy the pages so that you can use them for more than 1 child. they encourage letter formation, vocabulary maths skills, coulnting and number awareness too :clapping:
Hope that helps too x