View Full Version : My 1st risk assessment

02-07-2011, 10:53 AM
Just wondered if anyone could look at my risk assessment this is the 1st one i have done and been looking at quite a few so just wondered if im on the right track and so i can get then get on and do the others or back to the drawing board to start again lol
Really dont know what id do without this place, oh yes i do erm probably be sat in a corner rocking somewhere lol

02-07-2011, 12:46 PM
Looks good to me, mine are set out in the same way. On radiator one l would add : check each morning that thermostat is below 21, just in case family member has had it up higher.

02-07-2011, 12:55 PM
That looks fine. Only thing I would add is for the Thermostats. If you have them on the radiators as I do I just note they will be adjusted to keep the room warm but so the radiator is not too hot. That you check them every morning.
If it is very cold so the rad has to be hot I will put a towel over it or something infront of it so the children can't hurt themselves. It really depends where your rads are if you see what I mean.

The only other point of interest and I know its controversial. I have never used socket covers.
As long as your sockets are switched fairly new ones, prob less than 7yrs old. For a child to come to any harm they would simultaneously have to push and hold in something in each of the 3 holes.

In my house the little ones who are crawling and toddling couldn't physically do this, nor are there any let alone 3 objects of a size available to them that would fit in the holes. Also their fingers, even the 8 month crawler, are to big to fit in the holes. My house was re-wired when we moved in 7 years ago and then it was done again last year because we had a big extention done and it was easier to renew the whole lot. That is not to say your sockets are not safe though.

This is what I have in my Health and Safety Policy about the things you have mentioned in your RA:

All electrical sockets within reach of the children are new (2010). The BS1363 standard for 13 amp sockets ensures that sockets are safe and include internal shutters to prevent children from poking objects into them. It has been shown that socket covers can, under certain circumstances, compromise this safety. I therefore do not use socket covers. Wires are kept neat, tidy and out of sight and reach as far as possible. The children are discouraged from touching electrical items that are unavoidably within their reach.
Stairs are made inaccessible (when appropriate) with the use of safety gates.
The children are supervised whenever water is used for play.
The children are discouraged from entering the kitchen while hot food is being cooked, and are made aware of the dangers of hot drinks.
The heating in my home is via radiators. The children are made aware of the possible dangers of hot radiators and pipes. However all the Radiators have thermostatic controls and are keep at a level that keeps them warm and not burning hot.
Knives, scissors and other sharp implements are kept out of children’s reach. Appropriate scissors are available for craft activities and used under supervision.
Hazardous substances are kept out of reach (I use non-hazardous, environment-friendly products as much as possible).
All opening windows have child locks.

You may find this information and research on the plug sockets interesting. I have the first one in my Parent Info folder.


Electrical socket safety covers are "absurd and dangerous" say engineers - Telegraph


Hope this helps.

02-07-2011, 02:13 PM
Thank you both

I had heard this about socket covers but then was told ofsted like you to use them so i thought i better

02-07-2011, 03:40 PM
Thank you both

I had heard this about socket covers but then was told ofsted like you to use them so i thought i better

Ofsted have never commented about me not using them and I have never been graded lower than Good and last time with some areas of outstanding.

02-07-2011, 05:46 PM
Ok thank you i must say all my own children have survived until now without the need for socket covers lol

02-07-2011, 07:04 PM
I was told during pre registration training in the Staffordshire area, that socket covers are no longer a requirement. This was also confirmed during First Aid training too.

02-07-2011, 08:47 PM
I was told during pre registration training in the Staffordshire area, that socket covers are no longer a requirement. This was also confirmed during First Aid training too.

Thats very interesting to hear.

07-07-2011, 09:04 PM
rickysmiths that is a very itresting read ive also prited it now thanks