View Full Version : Maintaining

blue bear
25-06-2011, 08:02 AM
I am a yo yo dieter, I find loosing weight easy enough when I am in the right frame of mind but always put it all back on plus extra, I just can't work out how to maintain my goal weight I either just keep loosing ( got to 7 stone once) or pile it back on. I am 9 stone now and want to stay that way, please give me some tips.

25-06-2011, 08:31 AM
How did u lose it before? Ww or another diet?

I love ww coz it teaches u about food and to make good choices which then help to maintain, i would say eat the same as when dieting but add in a few extras in the day, not too much tho and keep an eye on ur weight weekly

I got to goal last august after losing 4 1/2 stone in a year, i then stopped tracking and since the oct i started slacking and putting abit bak on, in may i realised i had put 12lb bak on altho still in my size 12's, my 10's didnt fit so i started ww again and am losing slowly and have lost 6lb so another 6 to go, ive come to the conclusion i will be slightly heavier in winter and lose it for summer as long as i never get to a size 18/20 ever again, i dont even want to get bak into 14's coz i think it would be easy to spiral bak again, i sold all my 'fat' clothes

blue bear
25-06-2011, 11:57 AM
Never been a member of a slimming club, I just cut back on calorie intake. This time I have used my fitness pal app to check how many calories I have eaten in a day.

The Juggler
26-06-2011, 08:56 PM
i think it is about keeping it up. not if you are doing extreme fasting or shakes but once you learn what combination of foods to eat to get the weight off (as with ww) then you keep it up pretty much but maybe not so extreme - say 70:30. keep weighing in weekly that way if you put on a few pounds you can be a bit more strict following week. If you manage the few pounds there is no way you can put on a stone without having the chance to do something about it.

ps, unless you are very tiny 7stones is very tiny and probably a bit underweight. if you are 9stones I don't imagin you have more than a stone to lose anyhow.

good luck though.