View Full Version : have you got a phobia

24-06-2011, 06:25 PM
:o i know this is on another forum but i thought it was interesting,

my phobia is

anything that looks like electrical.....i am ok with lights, kettles etc. its what i call "big electric"

these are things like pylons...i cant look at them,

electrical substations- there is one big one next to the M6 in brum and i have to look to one side as i drive past.:eek:

the cooling towers of powerstations....again there used to be some right by the M1 at shefffield and i would find a detour to get past it without going close.

actually writing all this down i realise i am a complete and utter nutter

oh...i dont like spiders either and if one has been killed on the floor i will not step on the area until i have forgotten about it

dont like jelly


mandy xxx:o :o

24-06-2011, 06:28 PM
Going round corners in the car :blush:

the little ones are ok its the big ones:eek: :eeeek: :eeeek:

ALSO for out of date even by one day in the bin it goes !!!!!!!:panic:

24-06-2011, 06:31 PM
Heights I can deal with anything else:eek:

24-06-2011, 06:33 PM
I dont like ;

or going over bidges, like train bridges, i walk very fast over them, my own two dd's when we walk over them they shout,,, ooohhh im falling and go near the edge,, i scream,,,, i feel like a nutter to,,, especially if some ones wlaking passed at the same time....:blush: :blush:

I did get on the london eye, with my daughters, and sat right in the middle of the seat, with a cardigan up by my eyes, so i couldnt see out the bottom of the floor.........:blush:

It's a small world
24-06-2011, 06:34 PM
Oh where to start

Biggest ones:

Butterflies/moths (huge phobia thanks to dh. When I was pregnant with ds (now3) one got into the office where I work I ran out and downstairs and refused to go back to my desk until it had gone. work mates thought it hilarious until they saw me shaking and realised it wasnt a joke and were very wary from then on even moved me away from the window incase one got in I warning had chance to escape lol

Spiders depending on the size can cope with little ones but big ones a no no.

Wet gloves...make me cringe eewww shivering now..

Heights - can't stand them despite going paragliding, going to the toip of the eiffel tower and empire state building

the sea - not sure why but takes all my effort to paddle- again despite going paragliding over the sea.

Could go on Im just a big sissy really how I get by in life amazes me lol

24-06-2011, 06:36 PM
did i mention children near water my children i have nightmares about that one !:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

24-06-2011, 06:46 PM
and there's more..

i cant swim in the sea...scared what may be lurking...i am a child of the 70s..Jaws!

lifts....i got stuck in kendals (i think) in manchester when i was little.

i will probably think of more

mandy xxxx

24-06-2011, 06:47 PM
Beans they make me vomit:panic: :panic: :panic:

24-06-2011, 06:55 PM
Hmmm mine are not being able to move, since having spinal with dd.

Claustraphobic, being buried alive, drowning, being restrained on a spinal board. All similar but I have sleepless nights thinking i'll get 'locked in syndrome' and have to talk myself round or think of happy things! Very strange I know think I need help :(

24-06-2011, 07:13 PM
Mine is a wierd one. Although i guess phobias by there very defination are weird.

I am terrified of dirty toilets, overflowing toilets, public toilets where the lights are out so it is dark and i can't see into the toilet.

If our toilet is ever blocked i can't unblock it, i either ask my son to do it or wait until my husband comes home. Good job we have more than one.

I think this came about after staying at a relatives caravan when i was young and having to use a chemical toilet in a hut without lights.:panic: Thank goodness caravans have their own loos these days.:clapping:

24-06-2011, 07:20 PM
Drowning - i cant even watch someone underwater on TV without holding my breath (have passed out twice though it :blush: ) ...... the odd thing is i scuba dive! :D

Closed and locked doors - i hate having my doors locked when mindees are here, :panic: i cant have closed internal doors either, even when iv been in hospital iv dragged my IV stand over to the door to wedge it open (only for some nurse to close it again! :laughing: ) i just cant seem to relax when i have closed doors

24-06-2011, 07:23 PM
I have a really big fear of heights - can't even stand on a chair without freezing with fear! Thought I'd try to overcome this fear 25 yrs ago when on holiday in Spain. At a lovely quiet beach I found a diving board in the cliff - must have been 25' high. In my daft teenage brain, I thought if I dove from the diving board I would overcome my fears!!!!!:eek: I stood there, swaying in the breeze and after about 5 minutes was too afraid to turn around so figured I'd go for it! Stupidly, I dived from the board as though I were diving from a pool side - ended up somersaulting through the air and landing on the back of my neck!!!!:blush: Wont do that again!!:panic:

Oh yeah - can't stand maggots or daddy long legs either!:eeeek:

24-06-2011, 08:19 PM
Urgh im terrified of spiders - to the point where i cannot bear it if one crawls on me! I lose my breath!
Those and enclosed spaces - i too cannot bear to be closed in a room and have removed all of the downstairs doors (exept the externals of course :cool: ) Also cannot bear complete darkness, i feel smothered by the dark and struggle to breathe...
ultimately i am terrified of not being able to breathe....



Cammie Doodle
24-06-2011, 08:58 PM
Driving, the thought of it makes me feel ill:panic: , although Im a good passenger :rolleyes: Im a strange one , poor Hubby and Son just dont get it as they love driving

miss mopple
24-06-2011, 09:29 PM
Being underwater. Love swimming but cant bear my face being in the water

Spiders- have been known to wake in the early hours having 'seen' a spider on my pillow and insist on stripping the bed. Bizarrely 3 of my 4 sisters have similair dreams!

24-06-2011, 09:35 PM
Driving, the thought of it makes me feel ill:panic: , although Im a good passenger :rolleyes: Im a strange one , poor Hubby and Son just dont get it as they love driving

I don't do driving either - people think I am strange! I tell them it would be worse for them if I did learn and they had me to deal with on the roads :laughing: terrifies me :eek:

spiders - the fat ones especially with big palps (DD used to call them boxing gloves but they are mouth parts I think?)

heights - total vertigo sufferer :o . I don't just get scared and cry, the ground moves and doesn't look solid. Worst for me are bridges with no edges over water :eek: I did go on London eye with my family - sat all the time :o If I don't have to move my feet it's marginally better - this one was a big one for me but my biggest achievement was to go to Tintagel castle - crossing the bridge and climbing the steps up there. I did cry and cling to the rocks/railings (made a total wally of myself but my kids were so proud of me and we got someone to take a family pic to prove it)

I can't watch TV when someone is high up on a building and about to jump - I go dizzy myself and start crying as if I am there too

24-06-2011, 09:43 PM
Don't mind spiders, mice, rats, snakes or any of the usual things.
I don't like heights very much but i wouldn't say it's a phobia.

I really , really , really hate...................... meringues :blush:
Yep thats right , book me a place at the loony bin , find me a nice straight jacket :laughing:

They're just so.......... so yucky ! I hate the crunchy sound they make and they are sooooooo sweet it makes my teeth ache just thinking about them.
They really make me shudder !

24-06-2011, 09:49 PM
i can't do heights, although i was fine on the empire state building, going over bridges makes me very nervous and i can't do driving up mountains on holiday as i can then see over the side of the mountain and i start shaking

if someone is drowning i aslo hold my breath until they are free

i am extremely chlaustrophobic, for me it's about control and if i am play fighting with my ds or dh they have learnt not hold my arms down or cover my face as i go into a complete panic

also i can't go to the dentist because i am out of control

I was very brave this morning going on the tube in london whcih i hate with a passion in case it stops in a tunnel and then i start hyperventialting

24-06-2011, 09:58 PM
Maggots - alive and squirming all over the place.

Fishing programs seeing a box of live maggots sends shudders down my spine and

Watching the opening credits on True Blood and seeing the dead fox being eaten by maggots, makes my vomit, I have to look away, my DH says 'now' so that he doesn't have to pause the program while I run to the toilet!

Nothing else bothers me too much.

25-06-2011, 12:34 AM
Oh good, people with weird phobia like me!

I agree with everything so far on spiders (I don't kill them if I can I get someone else to remove it. If not then I use my Necronomicon. Nothing survives that!), the sea (Jaws here too, I think), driving (not so much a phobia, but a very rational aversion for a dyspraxic, I feel. My mother on the other hand thinks I'm certifiable for this one alone) and butterflies/moths.

I also get really freaked out by: Clowns (IT. Thanks for that, Steven King, You total and utter b*stard!), bread with flour on the top (argh argh argh argh I hate that so much. I mean, why would someone do that? WHY?!?!) and bugs (or as they are so delightfully now renamed - minibeasts. They will not be involved at my setting, I can tell you now!). Four legs good - more legs bad, I always think.

Also, mobile phones and for some reason - morris dancers and accordion players. I don't know why, but they completely creep me out.

I'm a total freak, aren't I. :rolleyes:

25-06-2011, 12:38 AM
OFSTED!!! :laughing:

blue bear
25-06-2011, 03:17 AM
I feel abnormal reading this thread, can't think of anything that freaks me, maybe Its me that should be in the looney bin!!

25-06-2011, 05:54 AM
Wasps. I freak, i have nearly jumped out of a car doing 60 because one flew into a window, i run into path of traffic, i will scream i have no shame.

I'm scared of lots of things- spiders, especially the big ones that wear boxing gloves, bees, insects that fly, heights which i discovered when skiing on top of a mountain:eek: , horses (was so glad when we got rid of the 2 we had last year, god knows why partner got them when he knew i am scared of them), deep water (especially the sea), something bad happening to my children.

Lots of things unsettle me- i don't like change, i like to know what i'm doing and have plans.

25-06-2011, 06:20 AM
your safe to go on the m1 the cooling towers at sheffield were blown up ages ago:D

25-06-2011, 06:26 AM
Ok, mines a wierd one,

I don't like derelict big buildings, like Battersea power station, I cant go near big ships or aeroplanes or anything like that. My husband sometimes has to pick containers up from the docks, I could never go with him cos it freaks me out lol!!
I couldn't even watch Titanic at the cinema, didn't like the boat sinking.
I do get it from my Mum, she doesn't like going to London, she freaked out at the OXO tower! I'm OK in London because there are people in the buildings??
Yes Yes I know, complete nut job!!:laughing: :laughing:

christine e
25-06-2011, 06:27 AM
OFSTED!!! :laughing:

Me too:laughing:

I am ok with solid bridges but when I cross a bridge or a pier that is made up of strips of wood where you can see the ground below through the small gaps it makes me feel really queer!


25-06-2011, 06:38 AM
Of course I forgot butterflies, If there's one in the house l am anywhere but

It's a small world
25-06-2011, 07:42 AM
and there's more..

i cant swim in the sea...scared what may be lurking...i am a child of the 70s..Jaws!

lifts....i got stuck in kendals (i think) in manchester when i was little.

i will probably think of more

mandy xxxx

Lift too. Been that long since I've been in one I forgot about it . Avoid them at all costs unless I go in with someone ... Never on my own huge panic attacks x

25-06-2011, 08:13 AM
I have 3;

* Snakes - even if I see a picture in a magazine I drop the magazine on the floor.
* Spiders - If I spot one I have to keep looking at it to know where it is, until someone can get rid of it for me.
* Walking over a bridge with railway lines running underneath - I have to shut my eyes, I get the shivers and start to panic. I can't even look.

:blush: :blush: :blush:

25-06-2011, 10:48 AM
Worms! I am terrified and repulsed by them, especially the long thin ones. Ugh! :panic:

25-06-2011, 11:50 AM
moths and butterflies...have me freaking:panic:

BUT i must say moving here nearly 4yrs ago i became a big gardening fanatic and since then ive got to the stage where butterflies dont have me running screaming like im on fire i can now stand very still and hope they dont land on me


25-06-2011, 11:55 AM
Maggots - alive and squirming all over the place.

Fishing programs seeing a box of live maggots sends shudders down my spine and

Watching the opening credits on True Blood and seeing the dead fox being eaten by maggots, makes my vomit, I have to look away, my DH says 'now' so that he doesn't have to pause the program while I run to the toilet!

Nothing else bothers me too much.

Even the word Maggot make me stiffen up and my fingertips go all ridged!!.

Hate it if they're in the outside bin after a two week wait for the bin men :mad: every two weeks I clean it out with dettol, scrub it with my special 'bin brush' :blush: then tip half a bottle of bleach in. Hubby thinks I have 'OCD' when it comes to our outside bin :blush:

25-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Dead animals can't go anywhere near them which isn't much good as i live in the countryside. Found dead birds in the garden and they get left until dh gets home.

Dh can't understand it as i was a nurse and could deal with dead humans (sorry that just doesn't sound right does it, but that's how he puts it), but dead animals of any sort make me feel sick and shaky. (creapy crawlies not included) :panic:

25-06-2011, 12:21 PM
snakes any evan plastic ones im typing this with the hairs sticking up on my arms, i once walked in a pet shop and someone had a snake round there neck i screamed so loud and ran out i no its bad but uncontrolable, also going under ground in caves etc supose its the fear of getting stuck.

25-06-2011, 01:51 PM
the coco pops advert with the hipppos in the bowl of coco pops with Terrence trent d'arby's sign your name.

i have to turn my head and wait til it finishes.

actually i cant stand the cocopop dancing milkman advert either.

now beat that you crazy people!

mandy xxxxx

25-06-2011, 02:14 PM
other people brushing their teeth with a standard non electric toothbrush :panic:

I cannot bear the sound nor can i watch anyone - even my boys - when they are using one.

I am fine with electric toothbrushes though

:rolleyes: :laughing:

Happy Bunny
25-06-2011, 03:30 PM
I don't know whether this would be classes as a phobia but I can't deal with my children either being really ill or requiring emergency treatment.
I end up having panic attacks when this happens.
Mindees I am fine with LOL

Carol M
25-06-2011, 04:07 PM
But I am happy to say due to recent health issues and having blood tests and heparin injections in my belly
I am cured of my phobia
Well almost :blush:
I remember passing out every time I had an injection as a child, and only 5 years ago was a pathetic wimpering wreck at the sight of a needle coming towards me. I have progressed to actually watching them take blood and not coming over all funny. I was sort of forced to do my own heparin jabs as I could not be doing with going to the nurse twice a day, and my lovely,kind, nurse at the gp's helped me learn how to do it. We both cried after my first self jab, she knew my phobia and was so proud of me.
DD1 is also needle phobic so I helped her to do my belly injections and she is gradually overcoming her fear too.
Carol xx

25-06-2011, 05:37 PM
Mine are-
Frogs cant even look at a pic with out getting jitters, was in Hardwick park beg of week walking a poorly dog with a bad shoulder and suddelnly saw something move in front of me thought itwas a piece of mud the dog had kicked up till 3 -4 steps later it happened again and I saw it was a tiny frog..smaller than a cm,there were millions of them......never got off that path so quick in my life...Poor dog tryingto keep up, DD was laughing...
dont like vast expances of water..child ofthe 70,s
Fish, birds and wings....unless cooked and on my plate:thumbsup:

25-06-2011, 05:57 PM
No, not really. I think I must be some kind of freak!!:laughing: :laughing:

25-06-2011, 06:55 PM
I'm not good with any sort of creepy crawly- things that fly being the worst. I just freeze!
I also hate feeling like i'm trapped- like if I get wrapped up in my blanket or OH puts his legs up over me when we are sat on the sofa. I panic and struggle until I am free!
And......risotto! When I was pregnant I threw up after eating some risotto and ever since I can't even look at the word without feeling queasy!

25-06-2011, 07:15 PM
Drowning - i cant even watch someone underwater on TV without holding my breath (have passed out twice though it :blush: ) ...... the odd thing is i scuba dive! :D

I'm terrified of the sea, when i was a toddler i used to talk about "when i lived before" and that me and my mummy were drowned cos they thought we were witches.................. yet i'm a scuba diver too :laughing: i am fearless with a regulator in my mouth :thumbsup:

i'm also scared of nailvarnish........ cant wear it cos it makes me feel like i cant breathe :panic:

25-06-2011, 07:46 PM
Wasps - buzzing, OMG I can't stand the buzzing.:eek:

Clowns, or anything in a mask or costume that covers their face. Was not very good at Disneyland Paris!! I kept moving away from the characters and trying not to show my fear in front of my very excited children. It was a very scary place for me.:o :eek: :eek: :o

25-06-2011, 09:17 PM
I forgot about clowns.:( At our village summer fair last year, a clown tryed to stop me to give me some freebies - I almost ran away! He called after me to wait and why didn't I want to talk to him. Made a total nit of myself by shouting across the green at him to go away as he scared me!! What a plonker!!:blush: :blush:

25-06-2011, 09:23 PM
my daughter is terrified of russian dolls (where the smaller ones fit inside of the bigger ones) :laughing:

25-06-2011, 09:47 PM

Also hate poorly people, im very claustrophobic too :(

25-06-2011, 10:12 PM
other people brushing their teeth with a standard non electric toothbrush :panic:

I cannot bear the sound nor can i watch anyone - even my boys - when they are using one.

I am fine with electric toothbrushes though

:rolleyes: :laughing:
I agree with you on this one...makes me feel strange cleaning my teeth with a normal toothbrush, feel like my teeth are all going to fall out ( my husband keeps telling me thats a lack of sex!!) and FROGS freak me out!!

little chickee
26-06-2011, 10:22 AM
other people brushing their teeth with a standard non electric toothbrush :panic:

I cannot bear the sound nor can i watch anyone - even my boys - when they are using one.

I am fine with electric toothbrushes though

:rolleyes: :laughing:

Me too!! I got goosebumps just reading that!

My actual phobis is seaweed. I cannot go near the stuff. I can manage to paddle after an extensive search for seaweed but am on alert the whole time.
If a bit of seaweed touchs me i totally panic - heart racing, shaking, crying etc.
I think it stems from a near drowning in a rockpool episode when i was a toddler.

Chimps Childminding
26-06-2011, 04:04 PM
the coco pops advert with the hipppos in the bowl of coco pops with Terrence trent d'arby's sign your name.

i have to turn my head and wait til it finishes.

actually i cant stand the cocopop dancing milkman advert either.

now beat that you crazy people!

mandy xxxxx

Don't really have any phobias a such, but along the lines of yours Parsleypetal, I hated the advert where the car turned into a robot thing and went off dancing/skating - couldn't watch it :eek:

26-06-2011, 05:18 PM
his one was a big one for me but my biggest achievement was to go to Tintagel castle - crossing the bridge and climbing the steps up there. I did cry and cling to the rocks/railings (made a total wally of myself but my kids were so proud of me and we got someone to take a family pic to prove it)

I can't watch TV when someone is high up on a building and about to jump - I go dizzy myself and start crying as if I am there too

I never conquered Tintagel.:( really wanted to but couldn't get over the bridge to even get near the cliff!

For me it's not heights exactly, it's depths! I'd climb a mountain any day but ask me to walk accross a bridge...forget it!

Needles are a big no-no too.

I also have a very strange phobia that I've never heard of before. Fear of symmetry in it's natural state. So honey combs or groups of butterfly eggs on a leaf make me go very peculiar.:blush:

I'm off to look up a name for this phobia!

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
26-06-2011, 05:53 PM
Frogs and Clowns!!!!

26-06-2011, 06:00 PM
Mine is bananas especially if they have gone slightly brown. I have thrown upa many a good dinner because of bananas.

26-06-2011, 08:42 PM
I have a proper phobia of the dentist - I cant even take my own children and if dh mentions me going I have a panic attack and cant stop crying. ( I am not a whimp, have had c-section, gallstones and cancer, but cant go to the dentist!)

I also have a thing about live fish! I cant go in the sea if there are fish there - they scare me!

Snakes are a no-no, but I dont meet many of them!

my biggest phobia is parents who dont pay!! :panic:

Rachel x

26-06-2011, 11:30 PM
Birds, i have been terrified of them all my life, especially crows with big big beaks, yuk

27-06-2011, 03:05 PM
my biggest phobia is parents who dont pay!! :panic:


It's only a phobia if it's an irrational fear! ;)

30-06-2011, 12:57 PM
I have 2 fears- the main one is heights and the second one is escalators!

We have just got back from a holiday in london and I nearly had a panic attack on the underground escalators. The strange thing is I an fine going up but cannot use them going down! I panic when it is time to step on and think that I am going to fall!

Heights I am petrified of! I cannot even climb a ladder without getting jelly legs!!!!!

Helen D
30-06-2011, 03:18 PM
Oh got me thinking......

heights ....a bit of a strange one for someone who learned to fly.....
spiders....any colour shape of size.....
stains in cups.......I dunno but ewwwwwwww
being in closed coffin...or a sleeping bag.......but can handle things like a sun bed......

ok stopping now because I am realising I am a basket case I think!

30-06-2011, 03:43 PM
Mine is bananas especially if they have gone slightly brown. I have thrown upa many a good dinner because of bananas.

how strange have literally just said to my hubby these bananas are making me a bitfreaked...the smell is turning mystomach:panic:
