24-06-2011, 05:18 PM
Anyone got tickets for an event?

Did you get what you wanted?

Or were you bitterly disapointed in not getting any?

Do you think the whole thing is a waste of money?

ii did register for tickets ages ago but never actually apllied! i should have tho as my sister lives in london so i would have had free accomodation :)
The olympics is actually the only time i tend to watch sports on tv as i like the 'different sports rather then the usual football or tennis:rolleyes:

24-06-2011, 05:27 PM
No were are not and are seriously thinking of letting our house fro the duration and going on holiday.

I think the way they have sold tickets is very unfair, it costs far too much money and I think they should cancel the next lot and use the time to go back to basics and think about the purpose of the games.

24-06-2011, 06:13 PM
Would have loved to have gone but just couldnt afford it.

Will be watching it on tele though

24-06-2011, 06:20 PM
Another question..........

If you could enter an event which one would you choose to be an expert in?:laughing: :laughing:

(i would love to do the gymnastics! the ones were they swing round the 2 bars) lol not a chance in hell tho :laughing: :laughing:

24-06-2011, 06:28 PM
Another question..........

If you could enter an event which one would you choose to be an expert in?:laughing: :laughing:

(i would love to do the gymnastics! the ones were they swing round the 2 bars) lol not a chance in hell tho :laughing: :laughing:

Beach volleyball :ROFL1: :ROFL1:

No seriously the pole vault :)

24-06-2011, 06:35 PM
Oh Swimming or Diving for me. :thumbsup:

24-06-2011, 06:37 PM
i wish i could of taken my dd to see the gymnastics as she loves them

not really a sporty person :panic:

miss mopple
24-06-2011, 06:53 PM
Not bothered in the slightest. Really dont get what the fuss is about :huh:

24-06-2011, 07:25 PM
i wish i could of taken my dd to see the gymnastics as she loves them

not really a sporty person :panic:

Same here, my dd has done gymnastics for nearly 6 years now so I'd love to have taken her. Applied for Gymnastics tickets (and opening and closing ceremonies), didn't get any tickets..... Not bitterly disappointed, it would have been fun but we can do just as many other fun things with the money.

Chimps Childminding
24-06-2011, 08:31 PM
We did think about it as our ds' are 21 next year and thought it would be nice to go! BUT never even realised you had to apply for tickets :blush: shows how interested I really was :D

On the whole, not really interested, not a sports person me, despite being surrounded by footballers, golfers, cricketers :rolleyes:

24-06-2011, 08:42 PM
Didn't even give trying to get tickets a second thought :blush: Not like Take That :laughing:

I used to be so good at hurdles but I have a couple of hurdles of my own now :laughing: :laughing:

Carol xx

24-06-2011, 09:26 PM
would have liked to take DS to watch the swimming, but really not that bothered! we'll get a better view on the tv anyway!

i was astounded at how expensive the tickets were :eek:

The Juggler
24-06-2011, 09:35 PM
not in the slightest. If I could be good at something though it would be something like hurdles - used to love that at school and wasn't bad really for a shorty :laughing: :laughing:

24-06-2011, 10:23 PM
I applied for the athletics and the Equestrian Cross Country the first time around and didnt get them.
I was up and on the internet this morning for the athletics again and the dressage as thats what was left. It was a farce as at 6.02 i had chosen my tickets and then got the message we cant process your application please try later.

So could not go any further and when tried again i couldn't even get into my account. It took me 20 mins to get back in and order them so i am not holding out much hope.

I do really want to go but if i cant get any then will just watch it on tv. I was not prepared to pay for tickets just for the sake of it like some have done.

I should hear within 48 hrs:)

25-06-2011, 12:37 AM
id sooner do my paperwork than sit there and wait to see who run fastest, jumps furthest or who knocks what hurdle lol :laughing:

25-06-2011, 12:44 AM
I applied for the athletics and the Equestrian Cross Country the first time around and didnt get them.
I was up and on the internet this morning for the athletics again and the dressage as thats what was left.

Oooh, ooh my mum and I are going to the dressage! We applied for the cross country and show jumping too but we didn't get anything. Still not sure how that happened, since surely the cross country has the largest crowd capacity of all three events?

We figured that we'd take the dressage tickets since it'll be all the usual people, and then we can just watch the rest on tv. And then at least we will have been there.

My brother got tickets to the basketball bronze medal match and a quarter final (I think).

Actually, out of all the tickets we applied for, we haven't done too badly. I say we, tbh my mum and my brother are more bothered about it than I am.

I on the other hand was up at the crack of dawn with my finger poised over the mouse button to get my tickets for the prom this year with the John Wilson Orchestra (http://www.bbc.co.uk/proms/whats-on/2011/august-29/70). I am still soooo excited about it. :blush:

25-06-2011, 08:14 AM
i may be out of turn for thinking this but i think it may be a beacon for terrorists.... sad and horrible i know..... but its the first thing i thought of when we 'won' it...:(

Carol M
25-06-2011, 11:06 AM
Dh is always telling me "you're for the High Jump now"
Is that an Olympic event?
Otherwise happy to watch on tv.
May visit friends in Oxshott as road cycle event will pass their house but I'm more interested in the get together :huh:
Carol xx

26-06-2011, 06:18 PM
i may be out of turn for thinking this but i think it may be a beacon for terrorists.... sad and horrible i know..... but its the first thing i thought of when we 'won' it...:(

I think a lot of people thought this, mainly because it's true.

On the other hand, if your aim is to cause terror, then it doesn't really matter where you attack, as long as it will make people scared.

There really isn't a lot you can do about except trust that the security services are doing their jobs (and that fact that nothing has happened for a long time here, even though we are a high risk nation (although we have been in that category for a very long time), makes me think they're probably doing a pretty good job) and basically get on with things.

Pixie dust
26-06-2011, 06:38 PM
We applied for tickets but didn't get any. My eldest really wanted to go and thought it would have been a nice treat as he leaves school next year, He wanted to see the 100m

my friend also applied for three different lots and didn't get any which is a bit strange as she one set she applied for was football and apparently they did have loads left for the second round of tickets that went on sale.

26-06-2011, 06:43 PM
We applied but didn't get tickets.:angry:

Unfortunately I didn't have £5000 in the bank to try for loads of tickets.:angry:

We would have loved to have taken the girls but it seems those who have, are those that get. Yet again.:(

26-06-2011, 09:10 PM
Wont even be watching it let alone trying to get tickets. I cant believe we have money to spend on this when our country is falling apart financially...

26-06-2011, 09:23 PM
Not bothered in the slightest. Really dont get what the fuss is about :huh:

Me neither :rolleyes:

26-06-2011, 10:10 PM
Have managed to get one day of the dressage tickets that i applied for so am really pleased:clapping: :clapping: