View Full Version : Fed up with spending money on unplanned expenses

24-06-2011, 02:25 PM
just had an email from my first steps co ordinator informing me that I need to spend at least £132 on new CRB checks for DH and DS:mad:

here is the email -

''I am not sure if you are all aware of change that the local authority has made to the criteria for childminders on the First Steps Network.

From the 1st April 20011 the local authority expects all childminders and family members over the age of 16years to have an enhanced CRB certificate less than 3 years old. This is particularly important if you want to look after children on the Childminding Links scheme or 2 & 3year old funding because children can not be placed in a childminding setting unless those CRB's are in place.

It has been confirmed that there is no funding for CRB's and childminders will have to fund them themselves at a cost of £66.00 per CRB.

I am contacting you because my records show that you have at least one family member who 's CRB is over 3years old.''

I feel I may be resigning from the network then.
Especially as I have looked at the Ofsted guidlines and it states CRB's do not run out.

Just wanted to rant:rolleyes:

Marian x

24-06-2011, 02:31 PM
do you know other cms on the network well enough to have a meeting about this? I couldnt afford that and I am sure lots of others couldnt either, it seems ridiculous. If enough of you protest maybe they will listen

24-06-2011, 03:00 PM
It is not an Ofsted / Eyfs requirement at present. It is something they have made up themselves.

Have you signed anything to say you agree to it? :(

nic t
24-06-2011, 03:05 PM
I don't agree with the expense of this, it's alot to pay out for. :(

But I do agree that our CRBs should be re-done every 3 years. I think it is ridiculous that we have them done once and then don't have to renew. My husband has to have his done every 2 years as a court official just because he may come in to contact with vulnerable adults and my mum as a school secretary in a secondary school has to have hers redone every 3 years.

I know a childminder who has a caution for assault since her original CRB and I don't agree that the parents of her childminded children are not aware of this.

24-06-2011, 03:12 PM
No - I have not signed anything as it is a new thing.
I do know some of the other CM's and I know that a few feel the same way as me. Can't wait for drop in on wed morn!

My DH works at Birmingham Childrens Hosp and has an upto date Crb but through them and not Ofsted - so really do not want to pay for his- my 19 year old is thinking of house sharing next year .....

Marian x

24-06-2011, 04:34 PM
As an ex network coordinator - I feel this is out of order. If they feel that you should have a crb every three years ( and I do agree with that as good practice) then they should pay for it.

Ask for a meeting to be held so that you - and other network members - can voice your opinion. If they don't agree to a meeting - then suggest you vote with your feet.

( I once sent out a letter that upset network members - and when they complained - I held a meeting to sort it out and to reach a compromise that everyone was happy with. It certainly taught me that the network works best if a team working together)

Penny :)

24-06-2011, 06:34 PM
Well they wouldn't like me because I have never had a CRB done by Ofsted.
I've been a Childminder for to long :( Ofsted won't go to the expense of doing it!!!

24-06-2011, 06:40 PM
i know childminders who don't have them so i wouldn't bother that's extortionate

The Juggler
24-06-2011, 09:23 PM
i think if this is a network NOT legal requirement then they should pay for it.:angry: