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View Full Version : All my parents know about the strike.......

22-06-2011, 01:11 PM
yet none have asked for childcare :rolleyes:

Letters went out from the schools regarding the strike and im still in limbo as to who im having & who im not!....none have asked me to have there children & none have told me there taking the day off! :panic:

its was one of my main priorities when i used a childminder & had to find care for days like these.

has everyone else got there children sorted? :)

Happy Bunny
22-06-2011, 01:20 PM
I am still waiting to hear from 2 schools to see if they are striking, I don't mind of they do LOL more money for me.

The Juggler
22-06-2011, 01:28 PM
our school haven't even sent a letter saying what they are planning contingency or otherwise :panic:

22-06-2011, 01:33 PM
My dh school were advised by the LA that if 20% of the staff were on strike the school had to close because finding cover will be difficult. He knew last week that they would be closed because more than 20% of the staff had told the Head they would be on strike.

Also we have a tube strike here that day as well, so supply staff will find it hard to move from place to place.

The school won't know until they know which staff are going to be off. Not all the Unions are on strike so some schools may remain open.

22-06-2011, 01:38 PM
At the min they are assuming the secondary school will still be open as most of them are in a different union.

However our primary school hasnt said anything :rolleyes:

22-06-2011, 01:42 PM
I've no idea what's happening here either - I only do school runs on a Thursday and mum is a teacher, she said she would be on strike but hasn't confirmed one way or the other. :rolleyes:

Still, there's a whole week yet! :laughing:

Miffy xx

22-06-2011, 01:47 PM
Our school haven't mentioned it so at the moment I presume they are open, although as Miffy says there is still a week left yet :rolleyes:

I hope your parents let you know soon :thumbsup:

Carol xx

22-06-2011, 01:49 PM
The school my daughters go to has not announced anything...yet. But my sibling mindee's mum is a teacher and her private school is going on strike.
She is still sending them as normal as it will be a nice 'day off' :rolleyes: .
She said she did not fancy doing picket duty.
So a normal day for me.

22-06-2011, 05:26 PM
I have not heard anything about the schools round near me!!


22-06-2011, 05:30 PM
The school I work at today has just sent letters out today to parents, they say that if they have enough staff, the school will not close, it is just a wait and see game.

22-06-2011, 05:37 PM
My sons senior school will be closed but haven't heard from the infants and juniior school that pick up from yet.

The junior school has an inset day on friday i look after two children before and after school and neither parent has told me whether i am required or not even though i have asked them various times:angry:

22-06-2011, 06:17 PM
have I missed something????

22-06-2011, 06:41 PM
None of our schools have said yet if they'll be closed, though the junior school has changed it's open day from Thursday to Wednesday :rolleyes:

22-06-2011, 06:50 PM
Our school has said they might be closed, they might not, but told us to make sure the kids have a safe place to go if they turn up to school and find it shut!!! My kids go to a school 25 minutes down the motorway!!
Stupid school! Stupid stupid school!

I don't know about my youngest boys school yet either, but the only schoolie I have at the moment is on the other side of the planet :) so won't affect him. Although I might have a new one starting next week, so who knows.

22-06-2011, 07:42 PM
Our school sent the letter home today.

There are 9 classes in the school. All are closed - except 3!!
Imagine if you are a child in one of the classes open!! :rolleyes:

Both of mine are off - glad it wasnt one off and the other not!

I think the 3 classes that are open will be quiet if they have siblings off.

I only have a Preschooler and a 9 yr old on Thurs and 9 yr old Mum said she'll take day off.
Preschooler should be in - they ahve no reason to shut.

Dh said to hand letter into school to offer my services - very kind of him! money would be nice, but not tons of children!! ;)

Rachel x

22-06-2011, 08:32 PM
AGAIN no one has asked me either, :rolleyes:

juniors are shut, but not due to have any, but I was thinking about putting my number on board,,,,might get some kids as parents may be stuck,,,:idea:

but maybe i wont,, easy day then,,,:D

mum of infant one, dosent know, says no letter so she thinks it will be open...

Shame they couldnt add it on the end of term............

22-06-2011, 08:36 PM
Our infant school has closed all of year 2 thats 3 classes and one reception class. So thats three 7 year olds i will have all day. So no CM group for me that day.

The junior school has 9 classes closed and three open, my 9 year old mindee is rather miffed that she is in a class that is not on strike :laughing:

23-06-2011, 06:17 AM
niether my daughters or m y sons school have notifiyed us as to what is happening yet, a mindee goes to my sons school and I dont know whats happening with him, then i have another mindee from a different school and her mum hasnt said anything yet but then she normally leaves it untill the day before a teacher training day to let me know whats happening!

23-06-2011, 07:00 AM
We havent heard anything yet and one of my parents has mentioned it. So I am going to try and find out when I do the school run.

23-06-2011, 07:08 AM
Ours has closed 2 classes - my ds2 is in one of them and a mindee in the other!!

"It's not fair!" That's what the other mindees and my ds1 has said!!

I can kinda understand why they feel this way!!

The mindee is the headteachers daughter and I mind her on and off, as and when etc - normally staff training days and the odd time when the head pops into school during school holidays!! I had to go to her when I received the letter and say "Do you want me to take X as her class is closed?"


cherry pink
23-06-2011, 09:02 AM
i deal with 2 different schools and not a dicky bird has been said by either..one of my mums is a secondary school teacher, her school is closed but as she is not part of a union she has to go in,

23-06-2011, 09:04 AM
I asked at the school today and they dont know whats happening yet. Its it a bit unfair to parents that have to arrange childcare. My DS's teacher said she is in the other union so wont be striking, but she doesnt know whats happening if the school will close and neither did the office

23-06-2011, 11:19 AM
Our infant school is open for some classes but not others, even those in the same year are different. I'm assuming it depends which union the individual staff are in. And the pre school is open in the morning but not the afternoon. So those who usually have a full day in the pre school on Thursday have to be collected at noon; and no pre school for those who go just the afternoon.

All very confusing if you have several children there of different ages.

Lady Haha
23-06-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm on holiday next week! :clapping:

But the school have two inset days on Mon and Tues next week anyway, so parents are gonna be well annoyed if they strike on Thursday too!

Think it might give the parents a bit of a kick up the bottom though! I'm fed up with them ringing me a day or two before an inset day to ask if their little darling can come for the whole day cos 'they forgot'. Wasn't too much of a problem before as my son would be off the same day, but he has just started a new school which has different inset days to the one I pick up from so have told all parents that I will now be needing a months notice of them needing for a whole day on future inset days as I may have made other plans if they leave it later (which even if I havent, I will be saying I have from now on). :thumbsup:

23-06-2011, 11:36 AM
our school is shut so i will have my dd home. also the mum of a child i have before and after school has asked whether i could have her son for the 4 hours but all in one go ie a full morning?! i'm really annoyed as her son is a total pain anyway plus she should be paying for the hours contracted - if she wants extra during the day she should pay for it as extra (or at least offer to!) plus she's asked for 4 hours when in actual fact her child is contracted for 3.5 hrs but she pays for 4 due to our full hour payment policy.

what would you do?

23-06-2011, 12:37 PM
I have a before schooler on a Thursday and really dont want him for a whole day, so if it turns out the school is closed, I am going to have to say no, but dont know what excuse to use

23-06-2011, 12:41 PM
We don't have a clue what is going on at the primary school yet and the secondary school has rearranged all the activities for that day, just in case!

I have three under threes on a thursday morning and we go to a playgroup we all love, so if the schools are closed the older ones will be thrilled and the little ones disappointed.

23-06-2011, 01:12 PM
still nothing :rolleyes: ..............the school letters went out last week and i made sure they went in mums hands!

1 has a school trip tomorrow & shes not let me know that i have to pick up at a different time (like 4 school runs is not enough to do a day!)....its only on talking to LOs friends mum that i know about the trip :rolleyes:

.....my mind reading powers are obviously fading :o

23-06-2011, 01:35 PM
our school is shut so i will have my dd home. also the mum of a child i have before and after school has asked whether i could have her son for the 4 hours but all in one go ie a full morning?! i'm really annoyed as her son is a total pain anyway plus she should be paying for the hours contracted - if she wants extra during the day she should pay for it as extra (or at least offer to!) plus she's asked for 4 hours when in actual fact her child is contracted for 3.5 hrs but she pays for 4 due to our full hour payment policy.

what would you do?

Hi :),
Its a cheek to even ask you to do this. I would just say you are happy to do the extra but they will be charged as extra and the normal contracted hours are still payable as you are still available. Give her an inch....

best wishes,
Wendy :)

23-06-2011, 02:07 PM
Our primary sent out letters last week to tell us they would be closed.
But it has worked out quite well for me as the mum of my 14mth old has asked to swap to a different day so she can have the Thursday off to be there for her older dd aswell, this has suited me as it has made a space for 2 siblings that are now coming to me all day instead of before and after!
So I am hoping for good weather so we can all go out for the day :D

Carpet Monkeys
24-06-2011, 03:31 PM
We've just got letters today, and it states 'whole school closure will not be needed, I will write to parents of those classes affected' - well if my DS is affected and DD isn't, I'm keeping them both off!

I also do a before and after school run that day for 6 year old twins both in different classes, I wonder how that's going to pan out ... and I've NO intention of having them all day either, as got my hands full with two newbies!

24-06-2011, 04:03 PM
our school is shut so i will have my dd home. also the mum of a child i have before and after school has asked whether i could have her son for the 4 hours but all in one go ie a full morning?! i'm really annoyed as her son is a total pain anyway plus she should be paying for the hours contracted - if she wants extra during the day she should pay for it as extra (or at least offer to!) plus she's asked for 4 hours when in actual fact her child is contracted for 3.5 hrs but she pays for 4 due to our full hour payment policy.

what would you do?

I would do that would sooner have them all in one go instead of them coming and going. The way I see it they pay for 4 hours so if I can on cases like this I would accomodate :)

24-06-2011, 09:34 PM
I have three children in primary school and two of them are off for the strike and the youngest is in. I told the reception teacher that there is no way I will be able to bring my youngest to school next week when the other two are off. It is already a struggle to get him to go on a normal morning :rolleyes:

She said she understood and I should do what I think is best :)

Thursday is my only day off :angry:

jellybean cc
24-06-2011, 10:58 PM
Where have i been, with my head in the sand i think.

Is it just next Thursday and is it in all areas of UK i am in the south west


25-06-2011, 06:47 AM
i think its all the uk. but some teachers are going in so some schools or clsasses are still open.

id phone the school to see if yours is effected :thumbsup:

25-06-2011, 01:35 PM
Only one of our classes has shut the other children have to go in as normal. I'm lucky as all 3 of my children are in the classes that are open but my friend has 1 in the closed class and 1 in the open class. They have said that siblings MUST attend if their class is open :rolleyes:

27-06-2011, 08:55 AM
and still no-one has let me know :rolleyes:

our schools are closed & the parents have known this for 10 days now :rolleyes:

27-06-2011, 09:04 AM
and still no-one has let me know :rolleyes:

our schools are closed & the parents have known this for 10 days now :rolleyes:

The lack of organisation for some parents doesn't surprise me anymore!! x

27-06-2011, 09:04 AM
Have you heard the latest? They now want parents to come in and run the schools (not teach mind you :rolleyes: ).
What about CRB checks? Those ministers don't have a clue and why should parents come in and run a school for other parents kids?

One of them on TV this morning said it was going to be like a big 'childminding group' :angry:
We have regulations coming out of our ears including paperwork.

I still don't know if my own kids will be off, but I will be having mindees as mum is a teacher and is taking advantage of her day off :rolleyes:

27-06-2011, 09:06 AM
How many of us will get a call on Wednesday night asking about Thursday?

How many of us will get children turn up on Thursday?!

How many will just send their children in their uniform and totally not know what's happening?

How many of us will go along with it? x

27-06-2011, 01:59 PM
You would think that schools would know where they stood before now. I have just found out that our primary school will be completely open, but it has taken all this time.

nothing like leaving it to the last minute.

27-06-2011, 05:52 PM
Our primary school told us at 3pm that 5 classes are closed. One of them is a mindies class, I take him to school and dont intend on having him all day as think he would drive me mad. Just going to have to say I dont have the space for him if she asks