View Full Version : Near the end of contract regret verbal new one

20-06-2011, 12:40 PM
Hi, one of my mindees contract us up for review in September. Mother and I spoke in the play ground and she told me from september she only needs me for 1 hour 3 days a week after playgroup (lunch time). I agreed to this but now regret it. Not sure what to do now, just to put up with it for a year and learn from my mistakes or to tell her I have reconsidered. Nothing is yet written down but I think maybe she would think I was dishonourable and I would feel too guilty. Also she is quite a formidable woman.

Any Advice?

20-06-2011, 12:45 PM
I would just write a simple letter saying your circumstances have now changed and you are sorry but you can now no longer offer the hours she needs.

20-06-2011, 12:46 PM
First of all - stop being intimidated by her. This is your business your rules.

I think I would just take her to one side and say that after serious consideration you feel that you cannot just offer 1 hr a day - particuarly in the middle of the day - the child is taking up a full time space.

You need to obviously tackle it now with the parent. If she jumps up and down I would just say that you are sorry she mistook what you said as an ok to go ahead but obviously that was not something you could agree to without thinking about it.

Perhaps have a couple of options ready for her... she still wants you however she pays for 3 hours minimum per day at an (enhanced) rate - ie you charge £3 ph but for this you charge £4ph for 5 days.

Its a really awkward timing and to be honest I probably would not do it - i would not loose a fulltime space for a 1hr contract.

20-06-2011, 12:49 PM
I agree just tell her you can no longer offer her the hours she requires.

Or you could implement a minimum of 5 hours per day.

Your business you decide what hours you want to take on. :thumbsup:

20-06-2011, 01:08 PM
Hi :),
I'd give her a call now, before you lose your nerve :D
...and just say. I'm so sorry I don't know what I was thinking. In fact, from a financial point of view I just can't let an under 5 place go for fewer than x hours a week. Have a think what you would be happy doing it for before you call and don't change your mind. you are a business, you are entitled to run it to make a living...

Maybe agree to doing it temporarily at an enhanced rate, whilst she finds someone else or until you get a viable enquiry for the place: does the hour fall into 'morning' or 'afternoon': maybe you could charge for a 'session' but if you do, explain this is a favour as you have limited places and need to earn a certain amount from these to keep your business viable.

I know it seems hard to face her, but you are talking about potentially losing the income from a full time under 5 space... for a year!! and forever more, practise saying: "I'll give it some thought and get back to you".

Good luck, you can do it :thumbsup:

best wishes,
Wendy :)

The Juggler
20-06-2011, 01:25 PM
I agree with the others hon. parents often catch me on the hop in the playground (they don't mean to I'm sure) I'm not concentrating as I've got all the children with me.

Call her and say I know you said you wanted some changes in September, I couldn't concentrate really because I had the childrne with me but did you say you only wanted 1 hour, 3 days per week? Then explain to her that you cannot hold an under 5 place for a whole day as this will prevent you from taking on another child for the rest of the day.

However, what you could try is to take on/fill the space with another child on the basis that he is leaving you, then apply for a variation for that hour a day to take him back on as continuity of care. I have a variation in place for exactly the same hours as you - so that I can collect a little boy of 3 from nursery 3/days per week for 1 hour.:thumbsup:

20-06-2011, 01:43 PM
I've learnt from experience never to give a parent a answer straight away, I always tell them i will have to think about it and come back to them, it then gives you chance to think what your going to say rather be put on the spot.
