View Full Version : Praise the lord for wine!!

miss mopple
18-06-2011, 06:55 PM
Cos boy do I need it tonight!

I have literally spent the entire day gutting my girls bedrooms :eek: My 11yr olds was a very scary place indeed, and we even found a bug we have never seen before- I suspect it grew under her bed :eek: :eek: I m :angry: as she has been hacking underwear with scissors to make accessories for her dolls- I wouldnt mind but I even found MY socks in pieces in there. There were 2 bags of kitched tupperware with god knows what in shoved at the back of her cupboards, cds and dvds everywhere, and OMG the dirt was horrendous (she is responsible for cleaning her own room- allegedly!). Yesterday I found a sugar and butter mix in a bowl in the bottom of the wardrobe:eek: , which is what sparked the great clean up. wish I'd known what I was letting myself in for!

My 5yr olds was easier as I keep on top of that, and she is SO good at decluttering stuff shes outgrown so I have boxes of stuff Im now flogging off/charity shopping.

Stupidly I started in my pj's as soon as I got up- it was 5.30pm before I got a shower (and boy did I need it!) and dressed for the day!

My eldest is still full of attitude and hasnt so much as said thankyou :mad: My youngest is well chuffed with her 'new' room though :thumbsup:

Thinks Ive earned a glass or 5 tonight :laughing:

18-06-2011, 07:02 PM
Aren't kids wonderful!! I have three, two of whom still live at home( 20 and 25) I still have almost daily battles with them over mess, laundry, general stuff, etc:eek: Where oh where did I go wrong? LOL


18-06-2011, 07:51 PM
my son (10yrs) is not good at being organized but will tidy up quite well when I tell him too,,, my daughter 12yrs is terrible at keeping her room tidy and has serious attitutde when i tell her to tidy, I have now got to the point where I leave her to it,, if her rooms a mess then thats up to her, she has to 'live' in it and I feel there are more important things to stress and argue over, eventualy she will learn to keep it tidy, especialy when she starts bringing home friends or even boy friends,, bet she wont want her room a mess then!
like you I used to tidy and have a blitz once a month but it only took 1 day and it would be back to a tip so I gave up.#
kids,,,, bless em,,,,

miss mopple
18-06-2011, 07:54 PM
Oh I dont do it once a month lol, this is more like an annual event :laughing:

I actually said to her today that I couldnt believe she could live in such filth, and she said 'I can't believe you can't' :eek:

I feel so much better about the whole house now its done though :thumbsup:

18-06-2011, 08:02 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Are you sure my dd hasn't moved in with you!!! The Sundays I have done the same as you and my dd is 18 now :eek: I don't know where we went wrong :panic: My son isn't so bad at least I don't get the mouldy school sandwiches and acres of dirty tea cups. Thats how I know when to tackle her room, no more mugs in the cupboard in the kitchen :laughing:

Enjoy your wine.

Happy Bunny
18-06-2011, 08:55 PM
My girls room needs environmental health to condemn it.
I went up there with a black sack for the rubbish and spent the next 4 hours doing it.
What is it about girls!!!!!
My boys room has never been that bad.

Carol M
19-06-2011, 06:30 AM
I refuse to clean my dd1 bedroom, after years of stressing about it and getting angry I now just close the door :D
If she wants to live in a :censored: tip that's her choice. Same with her washing, don't touch it now, it's up to her. The only thing I do is put her washing basket back in her room ( she leaves it on the landing and it's overflowing) as I don't even want to see it!
I do have to regularly tell her to bring down plates etc as we often find she has more than her fair share in her room, usually festering, so I make her wash them off and put in the dishwasher, I'm used to her excuses so just ignore them now!
Oh by the way, she is 19 years old :eek:
Carol xx

19-06-2011, 08:09 AM
I have 3 children (9,6 and 2) im very lucky, they are all tidy at tho mo, they both tidy their rooms at the end of each day, i do housework in there once a week, only takes 10 mins to dust and hoover

They are prob still to young in comparison to others in this thread but at tho moment they dont take food upstairs or even help themselves to food in the kitchen, they always ask but generally only have their 3 meals a day, it may change when they get older tho

19-06-2011, 09:03 AM
Oh I dont do it once a month lol, this is more like an annual event :laughing:

I actually said to her today that I couldnt believe she could live in such filth, and she said 'I can't believe you can't' :eek:

I feel so much better about the whole house now its done though :thumbsup:


19-06-2011, 10:31 AM
I refuse to clean my dd1 bedroom, after years of stressing about it and getting angry I now just close the door :D
If she wants to live in a :censored: tip that's her choice. Same with her washing, don't touch it now, it's up to her. The only thing I do is put her washing basket back in her room ( she leaves it on the landing and it's overflowing) as I don't even want to see it!
I do have to regularly tell her to bring down plates etc as we often find she has more than her fair share in her room, usually festering, so I make her wash them off and put in the dishwasher, I'm used to her excuses so just ignore them now!
Oh by the way, she is 19 years old :eek:
Carol xx

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a dd like this. There is no hope when she goes to Uni either because on one of our tours the girls were explaining how they don't do any washing until they have run out of clothes :laughing: Spose at least I won't be looking at it or getting the flack when XX is clean and pressed ready to wear!

19-06-2011, 01:29 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a dd like this. There is no hope when she goes to Uni either because on one of our tours the girls were explaining how they don't do any washing until they have run out of clothes :laughing: Spose at least I won't be looking at it or getting the flack when XX is clean and pressed ready to wear!

i am glad i am not the only one too.

when our son went to uni last year i imagined all sorts coming back every term, but bless him he found the launderette and even bought washing powder and now only comes home with the day's laundry and occasional bits.
but you should see his room since he moved out of his student flat, he boxed his stuff up and put it in his room as he needs it all for september when he moves to his own flat.

20-06-2011, 07:39 AM
Dd is 13 and would live in a pig sty if we let her :rolleyes:

We have recently decorated her room, she is warned if its messed up etc shes in BIG trouble :D

Hubs is a bit harder on her if there is stuff on her floor etc he only has to get a black bin liner and she soon cleans it up :laughing:

20-06-2011, 08:23 AM
I have 4 DD's, 3 of which still live at home. The two teenage ones arn't too bad, their rooms get messy but nothing a quick 1/2hr tidy won't sort (Mainly clothes on the floor etc) BUT my 8yr old is another story!

It's only toys and craft bits but OMG her room looks like a whirlwind has gone through it most of the time :eek:
You cannot see the carpet for toys, games and cut up bits of paper, cardboard boxes that have been cut up etc (she loves making things and anything crafty).

It takes about 2hrs to tidy her room at the weekends :angry:

Every week we tell her to keep her room tidy but come the weekend its a bombsite.

When I asked her why she makes such a mess she said "it was because she didn't like the colour of her carpet, so tried to cover it up" :eek: Cheeky madam!!! :D

Helen Dempster
21-06-2011, 09:17 AM
I thought boys were supposed to be worse than girls....but you've just blown that theory out the window :eek:

well done you - hope the wine was delish! :thumbsup: