View Full Version : can you check my pet policy please, thanks

17-06-2011, 11:31 AM
Can you fab people check my pet policy, we have got a dog and a fish although the fish is a darn sight easier thatthe dog lol !

Can you just check to see if i have left anything out :eek:

Thanks so much, this site is just fantastic

Katie xx

17-06-2011, 12:01 PM
what about adding about the children playing with the dog
dog toileting
dogs toys

17-06-2011, 12:03 PM
Further steps could include putting proof of medical checks paperwork in your portfolio to share with parents & Ofsted.

I store food for adults and animals out of sight and reach of children / locked away because it is a choking and poisoning (if a child has an allergy for example) hazard. I would suggest a lock on the dog food door as a step you could take to ensure safety.

Consider drowning - in the dog's water bowl and the fish tank. Put the bowl out of sight and reach and seal the fish tank (I was told to do this by an inspector a few years ago).

Coming on nicely! :D

lisa b
18-06-2011, 06:33 PM
Can you fab people check my pet policy, we have got a dog and a fish although the fish is a darn sight easier thatthe dog lol !

Can you just check to see if i have left anything out :eek:

Thanks so much, this site is just fantastic

Katie xx

looks like a risk assessment to me not a policy:D

18-06-2011, 07:09 PM
I dont keep the dogs bowl empty all day - Im sorry but if I have a child with me for 10/12 hours i dont see why the dog should go that long without food.

My ra states about the food is that through supervision and education the children do not touch the dogs food :)

18-06-2011, 07:24 PM
Thanks for all the good ideas but i don't like the idea of taking her water out of the way, her food goes down twice a day and if there is still food in her bowl it gets taken out of the way and she eats it later, so thats not an issue but im not going to move her water out of the way !

We are supposed to have water out all day for kids that can ask for it but not for a dog that can't, thats just mad ! Plus her bowls are near the front door so well out of the way of the kids so when i get them i will talk to them about the water and fingers crossed it wont be an issue :-)

The fish tank is an easy one as its up out of the reach of kids so it doesnt need sealing ( although how do you seal a fish tank when they need cleaning out etc ??? )

Well off to put my feet up now and try and switch off :(

Thanks all Katie xx

18-06-2011, 09:23 PM
In answer to your question about the fish tank - I was told to put tape around the lid and risk assess it every day.

The tape is ripped off when I feed them in a morning or when they are cleaned out and replaced.

I have to say it looks very fetching in my living room :rolleyes:

But if that's the price I have to pay to have a fish tank in a childminding room then so be it :D

02-07-2011, 02:05 PM
Gosh if you have to put tape on the fish tank and take it off every day you will need to buy shares into selotape :eek: :eek:

Thankfully ours is up on the shelf well out the way ( a bit too much sometimes as i have been known to forget to feed her, her own fault for not shouting up when she is hungry ) :)

Thanks all, your fab and i truly love this site its the best thing ever :clapping: :clapping:

Katie xxx

02-07-2011, 02:16 PM
I have a RA for my pets. With my old dog his water was upstairs on the landing where mindees wouldn't be going anyway. Now we have a new puppy his water is in the kitchen next to his crate. I don't ever remove his water. LO's are only ever in the kitchen with me supervising them but usually when they are sitting at the table. It's not fair to not let a dog have free access to water IMO. I think as long as you are aware of all the risks and have minimised them that should be OK after all our pets are part of our family.
