View Full Version : newie planning Help!

11-06-2011, 06:59 AM
Hi guys! firstly id like to say i LOVE this forum! u have been great help!

I start looking after 20 month old twins on monday, im trying to plan activities, i am going to take them to a soft play area in the morning and the do some painting with them in the afternoon!

i have the dcma weekly planning sheets, i was going to write in there, then the eyfs links are painting ( CLL - writing - 16-26 months making marks)

Soft play area ( PD - Movement and space - 8-20 months provide tunnels etc?)

am i barking up the wrong tree...

As 1st day i was going to plan this and see how it went, do an observation on each child...

Im having them two days a week, so do i need to do this each day i have them?

Thanks guys?

11-06-2011, 07:40 AM
You can plan as much or as little as you like - and don't forget routine activities and things you have out all the time (sometimes called continuous provision) are also part of your planning.

The most important thing is that you see each child as an individual and you plan for their interests, likes, dislikes, schemas etc.

So spend time getting to know the children and then look at how you can meet their needs.

Hth :D

11-06-2011, 07:58 AM
Thank u, so is the above plan right? have i got the right idea?x

11-06-2011, 02:46 PM
What you are starting to write is continuous provision planning.

You are thinking about how soft play generally meets the 6 areas of learning and development.


Psed - children play together (making relationships)

Pd - as you say children are developing their gross motor skills etc

You can do the same thing for many of your continuous provision / routine activities such as snack time, going to the park etc.

With that in place you then watch and listen to individual children and if there's anything to note you can write an observation and link it to the 6 areas.

Hth :D

13-06-2011, 07:08 PM
:blush:im totally confused!
i did two obs today and the children really loves ducks! and animals! its quack everything!
so i will sing 5 little ducks... get a washing up bowl with soapy bubbles and bath ducks, read a book with flaps about ducks, and take them to feed the ducks etc....
i Dont no how to record... etc my findings today etc, this is what im going to do... i dont want it to look like an essay any one have any idea on how to record it all..
Also with working with parents, i want to record things like i sent the mum two text mgs today, to reasure her, and sent her a pic of twins having fun... i want it to be known im doing this but not sure how to record it!

Any advice please! spelled out a bit too please! very new!:panic:

13-06-2011, 07:21 PM
I have answered your other post :D