View Full Version : which one...wii or kinnect?

10-06-2011, 10:02 AM
we had a wii but sold it cos we didnt use it...now im minding am thinking of things for older ones aswel as the younger onesfor rainy days

have had the wii and thought yeah ok but the kinnect i believe you dont need a controler is that right? might be better for the younger ones

views required please


10-06-2011, 10:14 AM
I'd say Kinnect...

I don't have one, but used it at my brothers and my kids loved it I have a 2yo and a 4yo. As you say no controllers so no letting go and getting a frustrated child (4yo) because they couldn't get the right buttons which is what I get with the Wii, which I have.

Plus a better body work out all over especially for the days you can't get to the park for exercise :)

Thinking of getting myself a Kinnect for Christmas :)

10-06-2011, 11:59 AM
I'm not a computer game person but we have a kinect and it's great. You're right in the fact that you don't need to be holding a controller. I have Zumba for it and it's great, we have sports games, dance and kinect adventures. They're all really good as you're constantly moving as your body is the controller.

10-06-2011, 12:04 PM
We have both :blush:

The Kinect is by far the best, the kids love the activities on there and you dont need to make sure that you have the charge constantly charged or endless supplies of batteries.

Would honestly say that we don't really use the Wii anymore x

10-06-2011, 12:24 PM
We chose the Wii as our living room wasn't big enough for the Kinnect to work well. Hx

10-06-2011, 12:30 PM
Kinect needs a lot of free space and ds 10yr has it in his room. We have Wii on lounge and dd3yr and I play the dance games and peppa pig mainly.

I think kids like either tbh x