09-06-2011, 09:29 AM
Would you mind having family with you to see the birth ?

Have you had family with you during the labour etc ?

Just talking about it with my daughter she said she loves me but would not want me there unless it was a real emergency / or maybe she was on her own

Some friends of ours last week had the whole family there and they filmed it ( the girls dad filmed it ) There is no way my daughter would let her dad through the door never mind film it :eek: :eek:

I know we are all different just wondered what your views were / are

Angel xx

09-06-2011, 09:31 AM
With my first son I had my dad and my brother in with me:D

My mum left home when I was 13 and my dad raised both me and my Brother.

People always ask me if it felt weird and I say no. We are pretty close and I wanted them there with me.


09-06-2011, 09:36 AM
No it was just me and my dd's dad when dd wa born, and if ever me and hubs had another it would be just me and him and dd if she wanted to be there :thumbsup:

09-06-2011, 09:39 AM
I would have loved my mum to have been there when I had my first DD, but the hospital would only allow one birthing partner. Afterwards I did find out another mum had her mother and partner there, so wished I had pushed a bit more

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
09-06-2011, 09:41 AM
Oh no just had hubby at the birth of both of our girls, def would not want anyone else there, but each to there own :clapping: :clapping:

09-06-2011, 09:47 AM
When I was in labour with my first child we phoned MIL to tell her we were going off to the hospital. She said "OK I'm leaving now. I'll meet you there". DH said "I beg you're pardon?" It had never been discussed, but she had assumed that as I have no family nearby I would want her there :eek: :eek:
Luckily DH put her right. We'd never got on & the last thing I'd have wanted was to have her with me when I was giving birth :laughing:

I did give birth to 2 of my other children at home and we talked about having the younger children there, but decided against it. I didn't think they'd be that interested and I didn't want to get distracted by them asking for drinks or needing nappy changes :thumbsup:

09-06-2011, 09:59 AM
my mum and hubby was with me both times, i found hubby great at the begininng and the end but in the middle he didnt know what to do 4 me, my mum was fantastic, she was with me the whole time and really helped to keep me calm and relaxed, she spoke to the nurses and pushed when it was needed, she was stood at my side when they came out with hubby , i found it worked well, my mum had done it so knew what i was going though and hubby was so upset because i was in pain so i needed both but in different ways, if i ever have another i would have both of them again....

The Juggler
09-06-2011, 10:21 AM
i would without a doubt have mum or sister or a friend with me (male or female) if I didn't have dh but otherwise no :panic: :panic:

don't have problem if other people wish too - each to their own - but personally I want someone there for support not a group of people spectating :eek: :laughing:

I would never have kids in (dh said it looked like a massacre when ds was born - as had quite a lot of bleeding) and seeing mum in pain can't be nice :panic: :panic:

09-06-2011, 10:32 AM
When my grandaughter was born there were about 6 of us there. We didn't plan it, she was going to be born at home but had to go to hospital for the last bit. My son and DIL had planned to be alone I think but we went to the hospital when my son phoned and said we could and DIL's mum and 2 sisters were there. Me and hubby waited just outside the open door but the others were all in the room.

Being older, I couldn't imagine my mum and dad being with me when I had my 4 :eek:

09-06-2011, 10:52 AM
I would have rather been on my own altogether. Actually considered it for a while (wierdo pregnancy brain I think, I was thinking about not inviting midife either). Dh was ok for fetching and carrying but I didnt really want him at the business end. I did let him be there, cant imagine saying no to something that important but there was no way anyone else could have come along, even tho I know my mum would have loved to. Dh was much better than xp at least who asked if he could go to sleep on my bed when I stood up for a bit!

09-06-2011, 10:59 AM
nope - just my DH for me - i did consider having a home birth this time round but wouldn't want George hearing whats going on and he's a really light sleeper - i'd hate him to see all the blood and screaming tbh.

My stepdaughter will have her mum with her to give birth - but doesn't want her dad around (and he is very relieved about that! lol)
if I didn't have DH I think i'd want to be by myself - i tend to go into my own world anyway so wouldn't want to feel like i had to keep someone company lol

09-06-2011, 11:06 AM
i just had DH there ( and midwife! ) although at the actual event, the whole world could have wandered in and i wouldn't have cared at all !!! :D i was totally in my own little world. :D

my mum did think she was coming when DS was due :eek: we'd never discussed it, and it was only when she said, give me a call and i'll meet you there, that we realised that she thought she was coming! we told her that the hospital only allowed partners ... she ranted and raged and thought it was outrageous, and said ok, well, she would just come and wait outside the door :eek:

we decided not to tell ANYONE ( after all, no one needed to know! ) and then rang everyone when DS had arrived !!! :D

it was never mentioned for DD !!!

i do wonder if mum thought she would be there as i think my granny was with her when i was born ( prem, and granny had taken to her to hosp and it all happened quickly ) and both my brothers were long labours but i don't think granny was there for them, as she was looking after me !!!

09-06-2011, 11:10 AM
Iwas on my own, myhubby DOESN`T do hospitals so tol dhim from the start he didnt have to be in the room when I was giving birth, he was next door,in the waiting room, both times and saw both kids within minutes of being born DD was next door when her brother was born..

09-06-2011, 12:15 PM
I just had DH, and couldnt imagine anyone else being there. There are 2 moments in my life that I can recall with absolute clarity. Its the moments both my children were born.

I can remember every detail and the most special part of those two memories is that I shared them with my husband. Just the two of us, a special bond between us & our children.

I remember so well how the second they were born I looked into my husbands eyes, no distractions, it felt like the room was silent, and then there was our child passed to us. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.

Everyone is different of course, I found my hubby to be a really great support to me during labour, not everyone does I suppose.

lou lou
09-06-2011, 12:29 PM
i did not want to be there let alone anyone else!!! i was scared stiff of giving birth and never want to do it again.

09-06-2011, 12:42 PM
I dont really like anyone there when I give birth. My first was in hospital with 3-4 doctors and midwifes present and I hated it. The next 2 were at home with just my husband and midwife. My children then wanted to see the forth one and I agreed, I didn't mind at all about them being in the room. However I gave birth in 20 mins so didnt have time to wake them up or wait for a midwife, it was just me and dh and it was fantastic. My eldest came in just after and sat with me for a while it was really nice.

09-06-2011, 12:47 PM
To be honest my whole pregnancy/labour was so hideous I was past caring!
[full on eclampsia, fitting in labour etc etc]
They asked me if I would mind students coming in? I said 'I don't care if you invite journos from the Sun':laughing:
Sorry to use such a massive cliche, but it was worth every second and I thank my lucky stars that I am able to watch my son [now 13]grow up.
I would do it all again in a heartbeat.
And Seb Co, David Cameron and anyone else who was at a loose end would be more than welcome.
That is if they could stand the bad language:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

09-06-2011, 12:56 PM
I lived in Germany (hubbys in the army) when both of my children were born so only had my hubby there.

My sister had my mum there when her oldest was born but she was very young when she had my nephew.

If i lived inthe uk then i would have asked my older sister to be there.

09-06-2011, 12:56 PM
I only wanted to have DH there with me, as much as I love my mum I wouldn't want her there. I'm hoping DH will be with me this time too, if he's at work he'll be an hour train ride away :panic: we're then 40 mins away from the hospital :panic: Hx

09-06-2011, 01:21 PM
To be honest my whole pregnancy/labour was so hideous I was past caring!
[full on eclampsia, fitting in labour etc etc]
They asked me if I would mind students coming in? I said 'I don't care if you invite journos from the Sun':laughing:
Sorry to use such a massive cliche, but it was worth every second and I thank my lucky stars that I am able to watch my son [now 13]grow up.
I would do it all again in a heartbeat.
And Seb Co, David Cameron and anyone else who was at a loose end would be more than welcome.
That is if they could stand the bad language:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sounds like my labour!

my mum came in with DD1 i was a 19 yr old single mum and i had an eclamptic fit and ended up on ITU.
mum was a nurse so they let her stay whilst they got Em out. But even she said she felt funny as they cut me..her instincts as my mummy were very strong.

DD2 was a very laid back affair...totally different to DD1. I was married to a charge nurse/tutor who thought it would be a great experience for some of his students to watch :eek: and to be quite honest i couldnt of give a flying what they did or saw!

mandy xx

09-06-2011, 01:25 PM
Husband only every time (not that there are going to be any more), it is such a personal time.

Seeing how emotional my dh was when ds was born after 2 days in labour and then 4 years later having him in the operating theatre holding my hand while i had an emergency section when dd was born. Those moments are priceless and i personally would not have wanted to share them with anybody else. xx

09-06-2011, 01:44 PM
For my DS I had my DH & Mum with me (mum in case DH couldn't handle me in pain and to see her first grandchild born) both stayed away from baby end LOL

When I had DD then it was just Me and DH, Mum looked after DS he was 2 1/2

I wouldn't want every one in their but the people that would benefit me, encourage me, keep me calm extra were a definite :)

09-06-2011, 06:02 PM
When DD was born DH was in the merchant navy and he didn't make it home in time so I had one of my best friends there with me. She was brilliant and really got me through it (it got really hard and I was 5 mins away from C-section).

DH saw DD 20 hours after she was born:clapping:

09-06-2011, 06:36 PM
I had just DH there. My parents were waiting outside the labour ward and came in for 5 mins before I was transferred to theatre for a forceps delivery. I couldn't face the idea of having my Mum in there at all - she tests my patience at the best of times!!! Dad didn't want to be in there at all and I wouldn't have one without the other as it wouldn't be fair.
DH was great the whole way through even though he was shattered from a night shift before we even got started.

09-06-2011, 06:49 PM
I had mum with me for ds and dp with dd. Don't think I'd like my dad or brother but maybe SIS x