View Full Version : am I being petty?

06-06-2011, 03:30 PM
my kids are lucky enough to get a bus from school to outside our door, its not the usual service busses its a Co Durham education bus, it picks them up at 8.13 and drps them off at 3.30.
The older kids ( DD included ) have exams and today some ofthe kids had 2 maths exams.So the bus was late leaving school as the exam didnt finish at 3.15..which meant I was getting worried at 3.45 when Cwasnt in..I am a bit annoyed as school knew the exam wouldnt finish at 3.15 ( from what S said and who came home early as she didnt have 2 maths exams) before the holidays , but they didnt bother to inform parents that this situation could happen... am I right to be annoyed? at one point I was going to ring school or write a letter to complain but now I dont think I will....
OK thank you rant over,....thanks for listening rofl:thumbsup:

<names removed by admin for confidentiality>

06-06-2011, 05:15 PM
i would have thought school should have let parents know if their children were going to be late - I would speak to the school to ensure they let u know if it happens again

06-06-2011, 05:18 PM
I'd probably have been a bit annoyed at the time, but would let it drop. Your children got home safe and sound, even if a bit late, and that's what's important.

Perhaps you could mention to school that it might be a good idea to tell parents the bus might be late, but I wouldn't complain.

06-06-2011, 05:26 PM
Yes my son did Maths this afternoon. The exam was 1.30 to 2.45, but those who have extra time had an extra 20 mins so didn't finish until 3.05pm

If the buses are waiting for the exams to finish (not an issue at our school because school doesn't finish until 3.40 anyway), then a news letter should have been sent to all parents informing them and telling them which days would be affected. Not difficult because the timetables have been out for weeks, the GCSEs started 2 weeks before half term.

It must be said, it is nice, as a parent of a GCSE student, to hear that your buses are waiting, ours wouldn't.

I have done a rota with another mum who is a cm and we have shared the dropping off and collecting. Our trouble is that the school bus is often so late in the morning that the poor kids wouldn't get to school in time for the start of a 9am exam :angry:

06-06-2011, 06:07 PM
I dont think your being petty, its just abit of common curtosy for a school to advise parents that children may be running late....as parents we do worry when we are sat at home and 15 mins later our child still isnt through the door.........my daughters class was given a 30 min detention ( apparently the boys were messing so this "teacher" decided they would all suffer) at the end of schoo, needless to say when she still wasnt home 25mins after she was due and not answering her phone i was panicking.
The school do have an obligation to let u know these things as minor as they think they are

07-06-2011, 07:06 AM
Thanks guys, I think I will ring the school to day and calmly ask if they could let parents know if they think the buses might be running later over the exam time, I dont know when exams finish, and DD finish the end ofthe week , but stuff like this might affect DS till the end...I think a letter should have gone out before the exams just sayingthere is a possablity that busses may be late ...

07-06-2011, 12:42 PM
Perhaps your phone call may prompt that

07-06-2011, 03:20 PM
I agree they should have let you know. We get text messages from our school, does yours do them? If not you could ask them if they would consider it, they are really useful.