View Full Version : Barrett's oesophagus?

06-06-2011, 02:03 PM
Just to see if any of you can help me with this:

My husband has had stomach pains and bloating and so after 6 weeks of back and forth with the doc he had a endoscopy last week. The consultant said he has Barrett's oesophagus but that this would not cause stomach pain and bloating. He has had biopsies on the Barretts and on some polips.

Firstly do any of you have Barretts and do you get bloating and stomach pains?

Is there any dietry advice dh should follow (or I should know as I am the cook)?

The consultant gave him a very general print out and looking on the internet everything seems to head straight to cancer but I know Barrett's only leads to cancer in certain cases.

Can't see doc until the biopsy results are in in a another couple of weeks.

Hoping one of you will know more about this than I am finding out.


06-06-2011, 06:38 PM
My friend has this! :( It's very painful.

The main cause is reflux and heartburn so you are looking for a very gentle diet with nothing that will irritate the tubes on the way down.

He needs to cut out food like chocolate and anything with caffeine (red wine, port, tea, coffee etc), fatty foods, alcohol, acidic drinks like orange juice etc so that he stops causing more damage.

He needs to stay positive and believe that a good diet will help him xx

06-06-2011, 06:42 PM
Poor hubby....

to add to Sarah's advice, it can also be linked to refluxing food back up because the muscle to the top of the stomach doesn't close all the way, so further to cutting out very acidic foods/drinks also.....

small meals and snacks inbetween, and not drinking a large drink at the same time as a meal but regular small drinks all day might help to ease the barretts as a stomach not bursting full won't leak as much acid back out of the top if you see what i mean?!

General steps to get and stay healthy can't harm either eg weight loss if needed, regular exercise, good regular sleep, balancing work/life stresses,

Hugs, hope you find out more soon, jen x