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View Full Version : In complete shock after trying to do the right thing as regards chicken pox.x

CJ Thorn
02-06-2011, 06:31 PM
Some of you may recall last week i put on a thread about chicken pox,i care/cared for siblings ...sibling 1 had c pox n was kept at home by mum quite happily..i asked for advice on here as regards exclusion, and the many replies i received stated the "crusting over" exclusion..which what i went with..all fine...then no 2 went down with it over the weekend, and after explaining the same thing again to mum..who is now fuming as she is facing more time off work,sibling 2 was kept away today n yest...today she picked up sibling 1 and his older bro n told me they wouldnt be coming anymore as i wasnt right to not let sibling 2 come..he has been with another minder for past 2 days with the c pox ..and im unrelaible!!!!!..in all my 12 years of doing this..im astounded!!!

02-06-2011, 06:40 PM
nothing ceases to amaze me in this job anymore.......:(

karen m
02-06-2011, 06:45 PM
If the child was in pre-school,school they would not be allowed in to the setting,remind mum of your sickness policy, in my opinion you are in the right

Pixie dust
02-06-2011, 06:51 PM
The HPA recommends 5 days from onset of rash with chicken pox.

Parents this job would be a lot better with out them sometimes.

02-06-2011, 07:30 PM
What is it with these people, not wanting to look after their sick children??

Also what childminder in their right mind would take on a child and that child have chicken pox??? I blooming well wouldnt! :angry:

You so did the right thing, make sure that she pays you for your notice period xxx

02-06-2011, 07:32 PM
I usually say five days to keep off, I have had one off all week with chicken pox, doctor told mum to keep him off all week. You were right not to have the child till spots scabbed over.

02-06-2011, 07:34 PM
I agree that they need to be kept away until at least 5 days after onset of spots (or until last spot has gone crusty) as they are still infectious. Schools and pre-schools and nursery all have same exclusions on this.

However, if these were the only children to be attending the setting, so only infecting each other and no-one else I might allow them to attend. it would depend on the infection, and whether I had my own children etc, so not a carte blanche approach.

02-06-2011, 07:44 PM
i would also say that the childminder who took him is not working to ofsted requirements as she cared for a sick child therefore putting other children at risk of catching them thats unless she didnt have any others

CJ Thorn
02-06-2011, 07:50 PM
Thankyou so much for your replies...ive been very tearful all night...but reassured by your comments,i did speak to his pre school teacher prior to saying i couldnt have him,just to get clarification and she agreed with me on the 5 day theory...well whoever the minder is thay have gone to is obviously v professional...to take on a child that was last night described to me as been poorly..bathed in cold water..on piriton,spray on calamine n calpol to aid sleep n covered n itching in every area possible..sbling 2 is only 17mnth old...

02-06-2011, 07:57 PM
i would also say that the childminder who took him is not working to ofsted requirements as she cared for a sick child therefore putting other children at risk of catching them thats unless she didnt have any others

I dont exclude for chickenpox if the parents of other mindees dont mind (99% of the time they dont mind as its infectious for 2 weeks before spots come out so already been exposed)
if a parent says no or if mindee is poorly with them then i will exclude

ofsted have said this is acceptable :thumbsup:

CJ Thorn
02-06-2011, 08:06 PM
Prob my main worry is..i ant had them lol...oh well i will live and learn.xx

02-06-2011, 08:09 PM
I exclude for chicken pox too because I haven't had them either!

CJ Thorn
02-06-2011, 08:13 PM
lol..ive done this for 12 years,dealt with c ox,glandular fever,scarlet fever,impetigo,sickness...the list goes on..but never all this...the ironic thing is..her eldest child is insulin dependent diabetes!!!!

The Juggler
02-06-2011, 08:40 PM
oh hon, her loss. make sure you get your notice money and more fool the other minder.

CJ Thorn
03-06-2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks Juggler,
The other "outstanding" minder must be very professional,taking on a 17mnth old baby with severe case of chicken pox after never meeting him or having a settling in period....mum n dad comimg to see me tonight to discuss things,but i still stand by my decision...and if a parent from another minder had approached me under the same circumstances,im afraid i would of backed up the minders decision,not poached the kids...but hey ho thats me...softy n too nice.xx:littleangel:

03-06-2011, 10:02 PM
I do the same as Hebs never been a problem with my parents but every childminder different.

The Juggler
04-06-2011, 08:39 AM
I do the same as Hebs never been a problem with my parents but every childminder different.

I agree, it's not the most awful illness to have in the setting but if you accept and say all 3 of your under 5's have it consecutively that means no parks, no toddler groups, mixing with other minders for maybe up to 4 weeks. I don't think that is fair on the kiddies - or me I'd go nuts!

05-06-2011, 09:13 PM
How did the meeting with the parents go OP?

CJ Thorn
06-06-2011, 01:26 PM
Meeting went ok,was agreed they would stay with me,then mum has called this morning to ask about tax credits etc,the kids due with me tom morn.....she just informed me that they have been with the other minder since this morning...apparently her set up is better than mine!!!just called OFSTED to get some feedback and everything i did was correct....im drained to say the least.x

07-06-2011, 08:59 PM
HI, I wonder if anyone can give me some advice for the same topic, I am a new childminder and one of my little ones had a spot with a head on it on her face this morning. Mum text me an hour later and said that she thought it might be chicken pox as she was in contact recently with a lo who had it, so I rang her and said I was sorry but in that case she needed to take her home (works from home) as I have a 6 month old mindee (all mine have had it). LO was very out of sorts with a high temp also. I am afraid Mum is a bit manipulative and I can't always be trusted to tell the truth, and now she has texted to say no more spots have appeared, and she thinks the other one might be a bite or something (looked like chicken pox to me!) so she will see me in the morning (she really should have asked would I take her, shouldnt she?!). Mum of the 6 month old is quite relaxed but did say she would rather she didn't get it yet, and my youngest had it at this age and it was SO hard keeping her from scarring,) so what do I do? Can't really keep her out if she is not contagious, but I imagine she will get more spots before the morning if it is chicken pox?

Also I have really had enough of this woman, and her child, can I give her notice? She is only 3 days a week, and would rather not continue holding a whole full time place for her with the way things are (has been one issue after another, and no respect for me). If I was to give her notice, what would I say? (I am in Ireland and we don't have such clear guidelines as you do!) Thanks for all your help!