View Full Version : Slimming World without a group

01-06-2011, 10:14 PM
Hello. I am a bit of a yoyo dieter. Before I had dd I lost 2 stone on SW, after I had her I lost about 2 stone again, after I had ds I lost 2.5 stone (putting most back on each time in between). Last time I was half a stone off my target weight and fooled myself with thinking I felt so much better, looked much better, clothes fitted better etc so didn't bother with last bit and I have put another stone on over the last 18 months. So now want to lose that 1.5 stone again.

My mum did SW before me and gave me her books, I buy the mag and read up on websites for ideas etc. I do not and have not ever been to a class. None are convenient for me. This time I decided that I should really go to class for the support and to make sure I do not give up again. I looked for a class but still nothing convenient so I decided I would instead do an exercise class once a week and carry on with SW on my own at home.

Started SW again 2 weeks ago and also started Zumba. Trouble is I am using old SW books (Mum did it 7 years ago lol!) and do not really understand extra easy. I prefer green days as I like my carbs and used to be veggie and just can't manage that much meat.

Any tips for staying on track would be great. Also if anyone else has managed to do it without going to a group to give me hope would be great!

julie w
01-06-2011, 10:24 PM
I did sw until April this year and lost 2 stone. if you pm me your address I will send you all the booklets and things i have. If you'd like them of course. xx

02-06-2011, 07:10 AM
My husband is doing it without the classes and has lost a stone in a month! But then I did go to the classes last year so its all fresh in my mind.

You can do it - you just have to be motivated! How about weighing with a friend? or doing it online?

02-06-2011, 07:47 AM
Hiya i am the same as you i have been to sw on and off for the past 10 yrs and it does work but you have to be int he right frame of mind...which at the moment i am not:( . Well i am getting back on track slowly. Facebook have a great site and loads of recipe and photos for good ideas. you can ask advise and someone will always answer. Things have changed alot since 7 years ago and extra easy is good once you get your head round it. You can not have 2 alpens light bars as a healthy extra which i love with morning and afternoon brew!!

If your on facebook you could add me as a friend for support if you want (pm me and i will add you)

02-06-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks for all your help! I have pm'ed you both! Great to hear about your husbands success too Polly. I feel totally motivated at the moment - it's when I have lost a stone that I start to slip so I thought best to get help while I am feeling motivated! I did look at online membership but to be honest I thought it was a bit expensive and wanted to put my money to exercise instead - usually my only exercise is school runs - I have now been to 2 Zumba classes and am enjoying that so hoping the combination should help too.

02-06-2011, 08:37 PM
Hi, I am due to continue SW alone on Monday, have also started zumba and want to get back running. If you want to follow and help each other pm me and we can figure something out x

12-06-2011, 06:11 AM
Hi , I am doing sw on line to need to get back into it though, as I’ve not been well , not been able to go to gym or jog put on a few pounds as not been sticking to it, :blush: Any one feel free to pm me any time could do with some encouragement myself.
Dawn xx

12-06-2011, 08:06 AM
I am not at all convinced these type of classes work as I have several friends who have lost loads of weight only to put it all back on again.

These type of classes do not deal with the real reason we are overweight. My own story in brief is that I have 4 sisters and 1 brother and felt from a child that I was always left out. Mum worked and dad died when I was 3. I think this is my problem when looking at weight and yes I have tried and actually led classes in ww and got to goal but still felt overweight. I think personally for me I was trying to please someone and rewardig myself with sweet things.

Again I am overweight and I know what I am doing when I am eating junk food but still feel I deserve it.

When I went to sw all the consultatnt said was how did you do to everyone around the circle and felt embarrassed if I put on weight. There was no findig out why I was overweight.

This time I am going to try to eat healthy with some sweet treats but do exercises as you really need to change the way you run your life ie exercise and your relationship with food. Feeling good about yourself and saying to yourself it's ok to have things

This is my one opion only but would be great to hear from others struggling

The Juggler
12-06-2011, 08:25 AM
I am not at all convinced these type of classes work as I have several friends who have lost loads of weight only to put it all back on again.

These type of classes do not deal with the real reason we are overweight. My own story in brief is that I have 4 sisters and 1 brother and felt from a child that I was always left out. Mum worked and dad died when I was 3. I think this is my problem when looking at weight and yes I have tried and actually led classes in ww and got to goal but still felt overweight. I think personally for me I was trying to please someone and rewardig myself with sweet things.

Again I am overweight and I know what I am doing when I am eating junk food but still feel I deserve it.

When I went to sw all the consultatnt said was how did you do to everyone around the circle and felt embarrassed if I put on weight. There was no findig out why I was overweight.

This time I am going to try to eat healthy with some sweet treats but do exercises as you really need to change the way you run your life ie exercise and your relationship with food. Feeling good about yourself and saying to yourself it's ok to have things

This is my one opion only but would be great to hear from others struggling

oh hon, that's hard but I think you are right you need to get to the bottom of why. Exercise will help if you find something you like as the endorphins will change the chemical in your brain and how good you feel about yourself. Have you tried NLP though hon, it might really help with dealing with the reasons behind it. :)

12-06-2011, 08:58 AM
I am overweight because I am too darn lazy and drink too much wine, and then the winegoggles come on and the big bag of crisps look so nomming!!!

I am doing SW online, as I can not sacrifice any specific evening, and the group classes are too far apart to switch if I am unable to attend x

I have found the last week hard, as my will power is non existent, but new day and all that x

one tip never start on a Monday x

12-06-2011, 11:54 AM
hi, ive been going to sw for 1 yr and 3 months and have lost 6stone 2lb :) but you can only lose weight if you really want to and are willing to put lots of hard work in. as we all know its not easy. i too agree you have eto deal with the issue why your over weight and your consultant will help you with this if you ask and if they wont then complain to head quaters as otherwise there not doing their job properly or doing the job for the wrong reasons. im very lucky i have an amazing consultant and im now on my journaey in maintaining my weight. i'm very willing to offer any help or advice to anyone who wants it. or answer any questions about s/w if i dont happen to know the answer i can very easily find it out for you xxxx. pm if you want too. xxxx

ps my husband has also started on his s/w journey he's unable to attend groups and so far has lost 1 stone 6lbs :clapping:

14-06-2011, 04:02 AM
Morning all, just wondering how everyone’s getting on? :)
Dawn xx:thumbsup:

14-06-2011, 01:41 PM
Wow Tinynippers - that's fantastic. Well done! Compteley agree that you have to want to and understand your own reasons why you are overweight etc. For me it is a mixture - I love food, I don't stop when I am full up if I fancy the taste/texture of something, and partly comfort eating - especially when the children go to bed and I am on my own - I can't resist that coffee and biscuit! But I am in the right frame of mind, I am sticking to the diet and for the first time since doing this diet I am also exercising - going to a Zumba class once a week, plus I bought the Zumba wii game and have been doing 2x 20 min classes on that a week too. I lost 2lb first week, then stayed the same, lost 2lb again next week and stayed same again this week. I know it is all in th right direction but I must say I am feeling disappointed - when I have done sw before I have lost easily and that was with no exercise!

14-06-2011, 03:58 PM
Hi All

<Edited by Sarah - Kirsty I know you want to be helpful but what you are offering to do is illegal. >

Kirsty x:)

14-06-2011, 05:28 PM
Wow Tinynippers - that's fantastic. Well done! Compteley agree that you have to want to and understand your own reasons why you are overweight etc. For me it is a mixture - I love food, I don't stop when I am full up if I fancy the taste/texture of something, and partly comfort eating - especially when the children go to bed and I am on my own - I can't resist that coffee and biscuit! But I am in the right frame of mind, I am sticking to the diet and for the first time since doing this diet I am also exercising - going to a Zumba class once a week, plus I bought the Zumba wii game and have been doing 2x 20 min classes on that a week too. I lost 2lb first week, then stayed the same, lost 2lb again next week and stayed same again this week. I know it is all in th right direction but I must say I am feeling disappointed - when I have done sw before I have lost easily and that was with no exercise!

samb, just wanted to say : dont get disheartened that you haven't lost more.. its probably the excerise that is building muscle that weighs more and tricks you into thinking its not working to start with. In a few weeks that muscle will work to burn off more fat than if you did no exercise so if you carry on with the diet and exercise it will all come off and you'll be toned too!. Well done! X :thumbsup:

14-06-2011, 08:14 PM
Thanks Heidicat - that makes more sense. People do keep saying to me "muscle weighs more than fat"... but that doesn't help when you want to be healthier and get into a "healthy" weight band - but what you have siad makes sense - I'll keep you posted. I am actually enjoying the Zumba so intend to keep it up. :)