View Full Version : Daily Diaries

01-06-2011, 04:45 PM
I've been reading the threads on diaries and I think they are important to do because it allows parent to know (if they want to) exactly what their child has done that day. However after reading that when you give the diary to parents you are having to remind them for it back, it made me think, what if it gets lost etc. Does anyone type it out and give a copy to parent and then you still have your own copy.

01-06-2011, 04:54 PM
I don't, I did think about that but when you have a number of diarys it far to much extra work :blush:

A friend of mine photo copies hers but my copier is upstairs :(

01-06-2011, 05:12 PM
I dont copy them as they are just to discuss what the lo has done that day like what they ate, how long they slept and where they have been. I have found with 1 parent that if I forget to write what they ate or how long they slept I get several text that night asking these questions so if hers is ever forgotten I write the info on a piece of paper.

I have my own diary as to where we have been ect... and if anything out of the ordinary happens that day so I dont copy theirs because there is so much paperwork already that I dont want to add to it.

01-06-2011, 07:25 PM
My daily diaries are on A4 sheets (2 days to each side) - I fill them in and parent reads and signs when they collect the child so the diary never leaves here.

Miffy xx