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View Full Version : Overwhelmed by the paperwork :(

Lady J
27-05-2011, 02:36 PM
Ladies, I am really struggling with all this paperwork!

I have been a childminder for 26 years and after a couple of years break I really am close to tears just trying to get my head round all the extra work I now need to do.

I am seroiusly thinking of giving up due to the paperwork :(

Can anybody help me please by pointing me in the direction of a simple way to organise all this. i am finding having to write out the links to the EYFS for every activity we do for each child impossible as we tend to do such a lot every day! I haven't even started to attempt the observations and all the other stuff we now need to do.

I just want to do what I do best which is nurture the children, give them my time and attention and make them feel like they are part of the family.

28-05-2011, 09:28 AM
hi i also hate the paperwork and took me ages to even begin to get my head around it so i'm not the best person to give paperwork advice! i also like my life outside minding so refuse to do anything at the weekend, but one thing i would say is that you dont have to do links for every activity, one or two observations a week is plenty and the learning journals i only do one a week or so-if that, sounds like you are doing too much, if you linked up every single thing the children do you'd be there all night!

28-05-2011, 09:54 AM
I have been minding over 16 years and found the paperwork daunting to begin with - still don't like it :rolleyes:

With the help of the forum I have got myself in order and found ways of coping - my observations took a while to hone into something I could manage and I do keep it really simple. It is all stuff I do naturally just have it written down now :)

sarah707 on the forum sells ebooks which may help - she writes in a language we all seem to understand - and explains really well :thumbsup: three cheers for sarah!!

there are lots of threads on here with everyones different opinions and ways to do everything - we all do things differently, it is just a matter of finding YOUR way.

don't give up - I got close, but refused to let paperwork and officials take away what I have enjoyed for almost 29 years (as nanny and CM) - caring and bringing on children to become responsible, kind people :thumbsup:

any particular questions or troubles - post a query on the forum and someone will answer to help :)

28-05-2011, 11:11 AM
Welcome to the forum, you have found the best place to help you along the way.

The hardest thing is we all do planning and obs different! what works for one may not work for another.

Second Sarahs ebooks:thumbsup:

take time to browse the forums, and you'll see your not the only one!

I think I am there, then I change how I am doing things :rolleyes:

28-05-2011, 11:22 AM
Everyone else is right about finding your own style. something that you find easy. I do mine as though they are photo books and write small observation under the photo's, ofsted were impressed and so was my course leader. I find it simple and it works for me. I take photo's all the time. Then when I have time:rolleyes: I stick them in and write something about them linking them to a learning area.

Read Sarah's books it will all eventually seem to make sense although it doesn't at first.

Good luck and don't be too disheartened, we have all been through it.:D

28-05-2011, 11:39 AM
I just keep it simple...I dont think Ofsted are looking for copious amounts of paperwork.

For observations I just take a pic of the child doing, write a short paragraph and then write what it links to.

Bobby was making a Christmas candle. He was excited about glueing which he loves. He held the brush with his right hand and spead the glue evenly with control.
Then I look to see which age group he falls into (22-36m) and link it with a few notes.
EYFS - Begin to show self conf and belief in themselves PSED
Feel pride in their own acheivements - PSED
Seek to do things for themselves , knowing an adult is close - PSED
Begin to show some control of tools - CLL

Next steps underneath..using hand tools for gardening

Also I take pics throughout the week, jot on the back what it covers..PSED, CLL etc.and put them in a 6 sectioned folder for EYFS. Then Ofsted can see evidence of all areas being covered.

In each childs folder I put pictures/drawings/photos

28-05-2011, 12:01 PM
Lady J, I too have been ,minding over 25 years and felt a bit like that just before my Ofsted last year.

I simplified everything, literally down to one file with dividers and wrote on the divider what was in each section.

I also use a filing cabinet with hanging files and file everything immediately so I can come back to it easily. If it stacks up on the desk it looks so daunting and unmanageable.

The LJ's, I used ring binders with plastic pocket files so I can add to them retrospectively, as I .will be doing saas catch up this half term, having just got 180 photos printed.

I found once I sat down to do it, all organised, scissors, tape etc the time flew by and I felt very pleased at the end of the day.

It will be okay, I promise!

The Juggler
28-05-2011, 12:22 PM
i try to type my obs as I go and then have a full on paperwork day once in a while on a Sat or on my day off in rotation either LJ's and photos and planning (once a month)/risk assessments/policies updates/letters for parents.:thumbsup:

28-05-2011, 01:53 PM
my advse would be to do a list of the compulsory stuff .... ra's etc, and put them into order of priority and work your way down.

it does sound like your linking to eyfs etc is too much. try and simplify it as much as you can.

ask on the forum and read what others do and hopefully you will find a comfortable balance.

Lady J
28-05-2011, 05:38 PM
Thank you for all your replies.

I have had a look around the forums and there seems to be so much that I have to get sorted!

All I have in place at the moment is a sheet where I write the activity we are doing, list the resources we use for the activity, note down how the activity links to the EYFS 6 areas and put down ideas on extension to the activity.

Example: Icing Biscuits

Icing Suger
Food colouring

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Interacting with others to make the icing, sharing the ingredients.
Enjoying the outcome of their work.
Tasting the icing and eating the finished biscuits

Physical Development
Learning to use a spoon to stir and pour


I add a photo.

Then for extension I would put something like We could make biscuits and cakes to sell in our pretend shop.

I always take a photo of the activity which I send to the parents to show what we did.

I do this for everything we do which is about 3 a day! Do I need to do this for all activities or would I only be required to record a couple a week?

I have a separate sheet for obs (which I haven't tackled yet) but if I only need to write a couple of sentences maybe I could add the obs to this sheet to make things easier??


Chatterbox Childcare
28-05-2011, 05:47 PM
Thank you for all your replies.

I have had a look around the forums and there seems to be so much that I have to get sorted!

All I have in place at the moment is a sheet where I write the activity we are doing, list the resources we use for the activity, note down how the activity links to the EYFS 6 areas and put down ideas on extension to the activity.

Example: Icing Biscuits

Icing Suger
Food colouring

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Interacting with others to make the icing, sharing the ingredients.
Enjoying the outcome of their work.
Tasting the icing and eating the finished biscuits

Physical Development
Learning to use a spoon to stir and pour


I add a photo.

Then for extension I would put something like We could make biscuits and cakes to sell in our pretend shop.

I always take a photo of the activity which I send to the parents to show what we did.

I do this for everything we do which is about 3 a day! Do I need to do this for all activities or would I only be required to record a couple a week?

I have a separate sheet for obs (which I haven't tackled yet) but if I only need to write a couple of sentences maybe I could add the obs to this sheet to make things easier??


I think you are doing way tooo much.

I have an obs sheet with space for writing and a photo and then at the bottom are the areas of learning and I tick which ones they relate to. I certainly don't do this for every activity, just one obs a month

blue bear
28-05-2011, 05:47 PM
I only link and/ or do obs on wow moments or when I have not observed for a while.
I found the pogo printer cut down work as I print and stick in while lo is asleep and just a few photos to link in a day is much easier than being faced with 80 a term.

Plans are in a grid with learning goals at the top and days of the week down the side. I plan from what children enjoyed the day before or from obs next steps just one or two things a day and not always something for each child daily( although they can all do everything)

Simply it to something you can do and build from there, better to do a little each day than plan to do loads and do nothing.

Make a list of what you Have to do and start one thing at a time setting yourself time goals. Ofsted will be more impressed with you having an action plan than just not having tried at all in their opinion.

28-05-2011, 05:56 PM
You do all that for every activity?!!!
You're doing way too much.
I'd do one of those maybe once a fortnight at most. Choose an activity to do your assessment which covers a lot of the 6 areas ( like the icing biscuits ) but as i say only about once a week,
No wonder you're feeling overwhelmed!
Maybe do a short observation ( as opposed to the above which I'd class as detailed) every couple of days or even once a day but literally one or 2 lines to say what they did and write which area it relates to after it.

Lady J
28-05-2011, 07:07 PM
No wonder I am struggling! :eek:

Ok so I can just record one or two a week and that will now allow me to start getting other things sorted out. :thumbsup:

Could you list off the other things I need to have ready for my inspection please.

I have my policies, risk assessments and menus done. I am working on my weekly planning sheets. I have bought the illustrated learning journey e book from Sarah along with a few other bits.

Thank you all for your help, I feel a lot better knowing there is support out there for me :)

28-05-2011, 08:06 PM
having your policies and RA up to date, you are well on your way. :thumbsup:

mr man
28-05-2011, 10:06 PM
i found it very daunting, espically with all the ways in which you are shown, or advised or ideas found on internet.
one day i threw it all away and made my own. :p when my DO came after i got organised and chucked it all, she said my own were very good.

i have a project file ( you can buy 5 for a £1 in asda) for each LJ. and each has 4 dividers under which i have obs ( 2 diff types, picture one,and a template i made of 5 hexagons with the eyfs colours and lines next too, i write in the hexagon the area etc and a breif note of what was observed. i do use post it notes, up on my wall, but at the end of the day or week i note them in their file. 6 obs on each page and i probably fill one a month, but also added photo ones maybe 3 or 4 a month - again my own template, but herei have listed in asoects, and i jsut highlight which it referrs too). im happy to share :) / next steps / EYI ( early years info - i typed a list of each areas the aspect underneth, then each month i add a brief note under each aspect - not all aspects, probably 2 or 3 of each area) also put a date when this was typed up. its get bigger each time and then looking at it i can track which ones i have not noticed or seem evidence of - and then plan an activity to observe it. iykwim. then the last page is their artworks they ahve done if not took home.

the first three pages are the front cover with a picture ( either photo or a drawn picture of themsleves) and then the following two pages are their likes, and dislikes. cutting and sticking pictures of argos book, drawing spiders or bees etc , and putting them in the like or dislikes. also fav games etc etc.

my planning i go off my weekly routine and at times when we are in, have a quick look at the next steps and look for something there. my next steps are mainly around their intrests at the time. can change though. these are done on a grid table, and then the 6 areas underneath i type what i plan to do regarding that area depending on the info/interests/phases above.

so all in all i have slim sleek files that i can add to at any point, and also quickly look at for an idea or an update. :thumbsup:

this way works best for me, i am happy to forward my templates on, but please dont feel like you need to use them as i fianlly found my way after many possiblities, i am sure you will too.