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18-05-2011, 11:11 AM
I may sound a little bitter here but hey ho never mind lol

I have a child who was with me for ages, but mum changed jobs and just expected me to swap days without asdking she just turned up one day and I said no so off she went in a huff and granma has been having her.

I found out yesterday that she has been claiming tax credits with MY number for gran to have the child since she left in november!

Cheeck on her!

I rang the tax credits to tell them (i know i probebly shouldnt but i was mad!)and they said they dont have an internal fraud squad and they would note it on the system. I felt a bit dissapointed so thought Id ring my mp and ask her what I could do.

Im worried the tax man mite know who claimes from my number and when he gets my tax return and there is 800 a month missing he will want to come and look lol

The mp gave my a number for the HM Revenue and Customs Childcare Providers Hotline so we can report any child leaving if we suspect parents are still claiming on our number this is the number,

0845 300 3941

thought it was a usefull number to pass on x

18-05-2011, 11:26 AM
Very cheeky, I had someone in the past claiming for 2 children I only ever looked after 1 :eek:

18-05-2011, 11:54 AM
Good for you for reporting it.

The government(s) have wanted to stop benefit and welfare fraud, they want to reduce the expenditure... well blooming well listen to the providers for a start - might save a few million of those claiming fraudulently:(

18-05-2011, 12:10 PM
You have answered one of my prayers, its one of my bug bears as when you ring tax credits to inform them they tell you the parent has to inform them.....well there not all gonna do that are they!!
I tell you who else needs to listen to us providers and thats student finance, although i know they work slightly different cause you have to sign a form but still!

Thanks very much for the number
Chrissie x

18-05-2011, 12:16 PM
I think you've done everything you possibly can do to cover your back. Thank you for the number.

I take it you've logged the call you made and date etc. Then if the tax man does query your £800 you can say you've reported the family.

It's so open to fraud this stupid system.