View Full Version : Done my good deed for the day

15-05-2011, 01:54 PM
ooooowwwww I am still shuddering. I have a real phobia of birds, I don't know why. Anyway I was in the garden a while ago and heard a really loud noise which I thought was coming from one of the rabbits in their hutch. I had a look in and whilst I was looking at the rabbits I heard this noise again. Realised it was something flapping or something against the fence. I gingerly tried to look from further along up the fence and saw it was a wood pigeon. There is a gap of about 8" wide that runs between the wall of our house and the fence and somehow this pigeon had got stuck in there and was flapping around obviously trying to fly but didn't have enough space to do so. So after running in the house shuddering I thought actually I can't just leave it there to die or injure itself trying to fly from there and as there is only me and DD in the house today I needed to do something. So I had to heave this massive double storey rabbit hutch out of the way, climb under some bushes and then move a lump of concrete that was blocking the way out and thankfully after a couple of minutes of me peering outside from the safety of my patio doors I saw this pigeon emerge, look around and then fly off. Phew. I'm glad he was OK but my heart was beating so fast as I was trying to move everything so that he could walk out, I was terrified he would fly out at me :eek:
I'm still shuddering about it now but even though I'm terrified of birds I couldn't just leave him there to die.

Guess that's my good deed for the day and OH will be suprised at how brave I was when he gets home.


christine e
15-05-2011, 02:03 PM
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

I don't have a phobia of birds but don't like pigeons getting too close so think you were really brave


15-05-2011, 02:06 PM
Well done you! :clapping:

I remember when I was young we regularly had them coming down the chimney and they'd fly around the room in a panic with soot flying off their feathers and my mother chasing them with a duster :laughing:

15-05-2011, 02:13 PM
Well done you! :clapping:

I remember when I was young we regularly had them coming down the chimney and they'd fly around the room in a panic with soot flying off their feathers and my mother chasing them with a duster :laughing:

ooohhh that's sent me shuddering again. I know birds can get down chimneys and one of the first thing I checked when I moved into this house was that the chimney in the lounge was blocked off. I remember when I lived on a farm my cat bringing a half dead bird and dropping it in the kitchen. I screamed so loud and ran out of the room. He used to bring mice and shrews in and they didn't bother me at all dead or alive, but birds, eewwww.


15-05-2011, 02:52 PM
Sound terrible, but well done for coping with it all :)