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View Full Version : Daily diaries

13-05-2011, 07:50 PM
Do you have to do Daily diaries .. I find them a waste of time - some parents have told me they don't read them and prefer to ask me what we have being doing and another parent enjoys a quick picture email or a quick message about our day. I have to do 4 daily diaries. I am not certain if these are compulusory and at what age do you stop. None of my parents ever seem to make notes or sign to say they have read the diary.

13-05-2011, 08:15 PM
I do them but I know they are read. 2 sets of parents keep them in a file (loose sheets) and another set reads it together over tea. I routinely ask parent's what they'd like to see in the diary and whether it's still useful.
Mine are an A4 page with these sections:
settling on arrival, activities am, activities pm, naps, meals/snacks and notes.
I don't write too much but like to put if there was anything that the child liked, didn't like, wow moments etc etc.
They aren't compulsory so long as you can show you communicate with parents. I don't chat to mine for long as 2 collect at same time and other goes 7pm!

13-05-2011, 08:26 PM
Thanks for replying - I am playing catch up on my diaries - I am inclined to file my diaries with the child's other paper work. Do your parents pass daily sheets back to you. I also find that the diaries never leaves the child's nappy changing bag and at times never returned to me.

13-05-2011, 09:03 PM
I don't do them unless a parent particularly wanted one. I tailor what I do to their individual preferences. Personally I find writing a diary boring so would prefer to discuss with parents and use LJ's to share info but like I say if it is something a parent would like then I would be happy to do it. :)

13-05-2011, 09:13 PM
Mine don't return them as such. I give them a little popper up A5 wallet to keep them in - 2 lots do that, 1 keeps them at home (saves them to read with dad!) and I sometimes photocopy it as an example for the child's folder but not often.

I wouldn't do them if they weren't wanted or read but all my lots parents really value them :)

06-06-2011, 08:52 PM
I got mine from the BCMA and found it handy. I write in them throughout the day so I don't forget what they've eaten or when baby has a sleep and what-not but saying that though- I do tell the parents exactly what I've written when they come to collect every day so it's proved pointless in that respect.

When these books are finished I will probably knock my own version up or use a nice note book.


07-06-2011, 07:59 AM
I do them when they start if they are babies up until about 2 years old, then it is just verbal feedback and photos. Everyone seems happy with that. I do also stress that sometimes I won't always have time to write more than the essentials such as sleep, nappies and food!