View Full Version : Observations im lost

10-05-2011, 07:03 PM
ok two 1yr olds walking one busy labelling EVERYTHING and the other INTO EVERYTHING with the tendancy to "grab" anything that his decided he should have which appears to be blocking / covering what his doing developmentally as im struggling to see past his behaviour because its constant ! and this needs to be tackeled first to prevent other children getting inthe way of a tantrum !
but i did catch him sat at a little table today looking at a book in deep concentration :)

10-05-2011, 08:48 PM
It's not behaviour as such as this age, it's simply curiosity and a natural urge to get to the goal... toy, game, cup etc.

The only way to manage it is to be absolutely consistent, gently guide him away from things and lots of praise when he learns.

It's a phase and it will pass. :D

10-05-2011, 09:06 PM
It's not behaviour as such as this age, it's simply curiosity and a natural urge to get to the goal... toy, game, cup etc.

The only way to manage it is to be absolutely consistent, gently guide him away from things and lots of praise when he learns.

It's a phase and it will pass. :D

a Long phase !! its more catching him before he hurts and his soooo strong for such a little thing when he sits in the high chair he kicks his legs and rocks the whole table so he now has to eat his lunch in the buggy for safety !

10-05-2011, 09:27 PM
Just goes to prove how different children develop at different rates!

Patience, time, and spending some 1-2-1 time with him if possible (slightly stagger sleep times maybe) Observe him on his own, see what he heads for or is interested in and sit with him while he explores it. Then find similar things, or show him a different thing he can do with it. It is just his natural exploratory instinct. I have one like this, and the older sibling is a real 'why/what/when/where/why/why/why' type - so I guess it's just the younger version!

11-05-2011, 08:07 PM
Just goes to prove how different children develop at different rates!

Patience, time, and spending some 1-2-1 time with him if possible (slightly stagger sleep times maybe) Observe him on his own, see what he heads for or is interested in and sit with him while he explores it. Then find similar things, or show him a different thing he can do with it. It is just his natural exploratory instinct. I have one like this, and the older sibling is a real 'why/what/when/where/why/why/why' type - so I guess it's just the younger version!

haha ! thanks for that ! LOL , well today his been a little tinker as he needed to be woken up before he arrived so he was being a little tinker, his spent most the day right by my side so i could try to control his unwanted behaviour on a good day he played really lovely and i feel frustrated becaus ei dont know how to observe him because mst the time his being a tinker and puts the other children in "danger" at being at the end of his temper

Number twenty 2
13-05-2011, 01:01 PM
See if you can tell what the triggers are for the unwanted behaviour and try to distract him whenever possible to avoid the tantrums. Your observations at the moment may need to focus on his behaviour because his most important next step right now is to improve it. I recommend going on a course, if possible, on promoting positive behaviour. I went on one recently and it was really good. The tutor illustrated how important it was to take a step back and observe closely, because if you begin to understand why he may be behaving in such a way you will have a much better chance of putting in measures to tackle it.

Hope this helps