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View Full Version : Feeling Overwhelmed!

28-04-2008, 06:32 AM
Hi I only joined this forum yesterday and as I said I have yet started the process of registering as a child minder but hope to do so this week.

Thing is since i came on here I have seen stuff about policies, procedures, courses, inspections, contracts, records, accounts etc etc and I have to admit I feel completely overwhelmed :eek: Now I'm not afraid of hard work and am prepared to do anything I need to do but I do feel as though I won't even understand half the stuff I need to do never mind actually do it!

Am I just being a bit thick about the whole thing or did anyone else feel like this before they started? :o I suppose I just want some reassurance that its not all as impossible or complicated as it seems, or is it?


28-04-2008, 06:44 AM
It's such a long process from deciding you want to register to actually getting there that you will find lots of time to fit in all the things you need to do... so please don't panic!

Take it one step at a time... and ask if there's anything you need! :D

28-04-2008, 06:59 AM
It will all come together....don't panic !!!

As Sarah has said you will have plenty of time to get things sorted.
You will get a good start with things on your course and there's always someone here to help.
We never mind any questions however silly they seem to you.
Have a good look around you will find lots of help.
Welcome to the forum.

Cammie Doodle
28-04-2008, 07:28 AM
Please don't panic Caza. I had been a childminder for years when I joined this Forum and to be truthful it freaked me too :eek: , but rest assured it has helped me so much and everyone is so helpful. It is so good to bring everyone's ideas together and help each other through. Just ask and someone will help or point you in the right direction.

28-04-2008, 07:40 AM
Hi Caroline

Please dont panic

Things that you see some of us do have taken us years and years

It is not going to happen over night .

I think at first you can think " omg shock - horror " but honest it is not so bad

You will find though that over the next coming mths you will start to digest all the information here and you will start to understand it more and hopefully then it will help you and not scare you

We are all here to give you support if you need it

Angel xx

28-04-2008, 07:55 AM
Caza, There is a lot to do but you will have the time to do it before you get your registration certificate through.

I've been minding for 6 months and some weeks depending on my schedule it can be really hard to get everything done but other weeks it is easier.

One of my closest friends is a childminder and we have a reciprical agreement where last saturday she had my children in the morning so I could get paperwork done and I had her son in the afternoon so that she could get her paperwork done. It works for us.

All I would say is use the website - it is a great help. Make contact with other minders in your area so you do not feel too alone when minding, use the courses available to you as they can give you ideas and help you get to know people and finally do a list and enjoy ticking things off as you do them so that you can see what you are acheiving.

Honestly it isn't as bad you think.

28-04-2008, 08:36 AM
I won't lie to you...it can be very hard work...but it's do-able...we all manage! (Well most of the time)!!!!;) It's a case of learning to walk before you run...just ease yourself in! As has already been said...we're always here to help!:clapping: :)

28-04-2008, 09:40 AM
I'm like you- not done too much as yet but first aid course starts Saturday followed by ICP course. I found this site about 2 weeks ago and am addicted to it, although like you I have found out so much that I feel quite overwhelmed and a lot of it goes over my head! Some nights it takes me ages to get to sleep cos it's all going round my head and I think of things I need to know! I have asked loads of questions though and there are always fantastic people here that can help you. I don't feel quite so nervous about doing my policies and everything as I know I can come on here.

The only thing I'm slightly concerned about is the fact that I wanted to start childminding in September (as my maternity pay is finishing in July) and from what I am reading everything may not be ready to proceed by then - no money :panic:

Good luck with everything.

Carole x

28-04-2008, 10:51 AM
Thanks Carole its good to know I'm not the only one whose brain has been fried! I'm sure once I have done the pre reg course things will start to fall into place. I hope :eek:

Also thanks to everyone else for the reassurance;)


Have just phoned my local CIS and they are sending some information out to me. So step one done :)

Heaven Scent
28-04-2008, 11:35 AM
Listen don't worry I had nothing in place except a rough risk assessment that was in my start up folder and I just made sure the garden was safe and the house was reasonably safe.

I have just had my 6 month inspection and spent hours and hour doing up policies and the inspector said its not a legal requirement for childminders to have their policies in writing they are really just to protect yourself from any eventuality that may arise. So don't worry - the childminder across the road from me had about 3 policies and very skimpy risk assessments and still got a good - so don't worry one little bit so long as you show on your initial inspection that you know what you are intending to do and that you have a good idea about children and keeping children safe you should be Ok Your local CIS will get you through you will have plenty of visits from them plus you will have your pre reg course then your Introduction to Childminding so it will be honkey dorey by the time you are registered and then you will have about 6 months to put everything into place you will also have time to attend some courses that will be offered by your local CIS including your Food Hygiene and First Aid.

I hope this has made you feel better and more positive.

28-04-2008, 11:41 AM
I know how you are feeling, as I felt this way only a few months back, in September when my first course stared.
Everything seemed too hard - "how do I write policies, what is an inspection like? what course do i need to do know?"
I know the feeling but as the courses came and the months flew past, everything started to fall into place.
Don't worry within a few months you'll know exactly what you are doing, need to do etc.

28-04-2008, 12:17 PM
I think we all felt like you do when we first started out, but all the paperwork and risk assessments are things you do naturally, you are only putting what you do down on paper. You'll be just fine.

Ali :)

28-04-2008, 12:26 PM
I hope you are feeling a little better Caroline.

All the ladies have already given excellent advice.

I think you will be fine......it will all come together eventually and as the ladies have said it will be a little hile before the registration process is complete and by then hopefully you would have had more chance to digest the information.

I don't know if your area runs the Support Childminder Scheme (sometimes called Buddy System).....if it is not mentioned at your briefing then ask if they run the scheme.

I would always recommend that all new minders register if they have the chance and you will be assigned to an experienced childminder who will also be able to help you and give you some guidence.

Good luck

I am sure you will be ok :thumbsup:

28-04-2008, 12:36 PM
I have just spoken to one of the women at my daughters play school who is a child minder and she is putting me in contact with a woman who helped a great deal during the registraion process and she has also offered to give me some help and advice should I need it. Which I'm sure I will and plenty of it!:laughing:

In all honesty though all of you on here have been wonderful even though I only joined yesterday. Between all the replies to my posts and the pm's that people have sent me you have made me feel more confidant about going ahead so thanks :thumbsup:


28-04-2008, 12:38 PM
I am glad you are feeling better Caroline and have decided to go ahead.

If this other childminder is willing to help you through the process then go ahead......it will certainly help you through it and to try and make sense of it all.

Don't forget though.....someone is always here to help if you need anything else :thumbsup:

28-04-2008, 01:10 PM
Dont worry you dont get rid of me that easy;) I will be on here picking your brains for months to come. Beside you lot have got hooked on this forum already. I have a giant pile of ironing waiting for me and I'm on here chatting to you lot!:laughing:


Heaven Scent
28-04-2008, 01:17 PM
Don't worry about asking questions - we all do

28-04-2008, 01:19 PM
I have a giant pile of ironing waiting for me and I'm on here chatting to you lot!:laughing:


You ought to see mine.....looks more like the leaning tower of Pisa :laughing:

As I said....anytime you have a question just fire away....someone is always around to help :thumbsup: