06-05-2011, 08:22 PM
My beloved Cocker has Epilepsy and has had it now for four years. But recently we have had loads of seizures and he isn't responding well to medication. Behavioural problems are now very noticeable and the vet has referred us to a neurologist with a view to having an MRI Scan.

Just want some advice really on what to expect if he has an MRI Scan. I understand that they will give him a general anaesthetic to do the MRI but was wondering how long it would be before I could pick him up again. I have cancelled most of my work for the day but still have to do a school run in the morning and afternoon.

I am really stressed about the whole thing to be honest. I love him to bits, he is fab with all the kiddies and they are going to be upset too and I am dreading getting bad news.

Sorry for waffling on.

06-05-2011, 08:51 PM

Our dog was epileptic......think most of his 13 year life...he was on 3 different tablets for it but managed to get it down to 2 as the 1 sort was a herbal type one which was cheaper in boots but then we cut it out all together. He was a lurcher and was very gentle mannered etc but he died in march just a week after his 13th birthday.

I'm not too sure about the whole thing as it was si's dog and i've been with him 8 years so he obviously had him before I met him...in fact he had him from 8 weeks and he was diagnosed with it from his first fit at 2 years old....

apparently as he was insured the person they took him too had him for a week {not meaning your dog will be that long} so they could do all sorts of tests on him, as they wasnt sure if it was digestive problems etc but responded well...and he did until the end, the only time we found he was having the fits was when we tried messing with the tabs to see if he can be weaned slowly off them but no.....

Like I said he died in march at 13 YO so had a good life even with the epilepsy...

sorry probably not answering your question at all


06-05-2011, 09:02 PM
Thanks for replying hun. We have managed great for the last four years. He's had no fits at all and was almost completely weaned of meds and then all of a sudden, at Christmas, started having multiple seizures and this has now been ongoing. They have increased meds and added in extras and all his blood tests come back as well with in therapeutic ranges. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be responding, is still have cluster fits, and has developed behavioural problems, although I am relieved to find that he is still as soppy as ever with all the children even though I am keeping a very close eye on him.

The vet now thinks that their is an underlying cause, such as a seizure, cyst or god forbid, a brain tumour. I just need to get it "off my chest, so to speak" . My parents have all been fab. I have kept them in the loop. He's a marvellous dog and I am dreading getting bad news. I am worried that I won't have enough time between school drop off and pick up on Monday and wondered if anyone had been through anything similar. Thanks.

06-05-2011, 09:03 PM
Thanks for replying hun. We have managed great for the last four years. He's had no fits at all and was almost completely weaned of meds and then all of a sudden, at Christmas, started having multiple seizures and this has now been ongoing. They have increased meds and added in extras and all his blood tests come back as well with in therapeutic ranges. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be responding, is still have cluster fits, and has developed behavioural problems, although I am relieved to find that he is still as soppy as ever with all the children even though I am keeping a very close eye on him.

The vet now thinks that their is an underlying cause, such as a stroke, cyst or god forbid, a brain tumour. I just need to get it "off my chest, so to speak" . My parents have all been fab. I have kept them in the loop. He's a marvellous dog and I am dreading getting bad news. I am worried that I won't have enough time between school drop off and pick up on Monday and wondered if anyone had been through anything similar. Thanks.

06-05-2011, 09:04 PM
Sorry, sorry have posted twice:(

06-05-2011, 09:17 PM
Hi our beautiful five year old golden Labrador has just been diagnosed with epilepsy. It all happened very quickly and our vets and sainsburys insurance have been brilliant. Becks went for a MRI scan and a brain tap. She was in most of the day, oh I should say at this point we had to go to see a specialist vet. They were brilliant when we picked up Becks the vet went through everything. We saw a DVD of Becks brain which was weird and said the had tested the fluid of her brain and that was fine. On the back home a big weight had lifted from our shoulders I know that sounds strange but it was a toss up between a brain tumour or epiliepsy. We popped into our vets on the way back home just to hand in the DVD. The vet who we see saw us straight away and was pleased it was epilepsy and put her on some medication called epifen. It makes her tired but the fits have stopped we go back to the vets in four weeks to see how she is. Good luck sending you loads of hugs
Debra and Becks

Gracie's mamma
06-05-2011, 09:25 PM
Hi , if they are going to give your dog a general you really need to block off anything after picking him up from the vets.
He will probally be 'out of it' for the rest of the day .
I would bring him home and just let him rest on his own for the rest of the day and the following day.
The anaesthetic will stay in his blood for a few days / weeks .

Leave him alone and give him a light bland diet for at leats 48 hours after a GA.


from a Veterinary Nurse :)

06-05-2011, 09:26 PM
Sorry, sorry have posted twice:(
no probs.

i think they will keep the dog at the vets if you got school runs etc and maybe if you expain your situation that you can't just drop everything to get there asap if you can't, might be a good thing.

here's hoping you have good news...


Cammie Doodle
06-05-2011, 09:36 PM
We brought our dog home later in the day after her MRI, bless her she was groggy for a while, but pleased to be home , its horrible when they are ill, just like one of the kids. Good Luck, will be thinking of you

06-05-2011, 09:38 PM
fingers crossed for good news for you (hugs)

07-05-2011, 06:29 AM
So sorry to hear about your dog and don't know if this well help, I used to have a white German shepherd who had it ( although he was never bad enough to have to be on medication) but I found heat would cause him to fit so spent my time making sure he didn't get too hot.

I hope it all goes well with the MRI

Take care


07-05-2011, 08:51 AM
Hi , if they are going to give your dog a general you really need to block off anything after picking him up from the vets.
He will probally be 'out of it' for the rest of the day .
I would bring him home and just let him rest on his own for the rest of the day and the following day.
The anaesthetic will stay in his blood for a few days / weeks .

Leave him alone and give him a light bland diet for at leats 48 hours after a GA.


from a Veterinary Nurse :)

Thanks very much for the info:). Glad I cancelled my littlies for the day then. The schoolie prefers the cat so is unlikely to bother the dog whilst he is recovering. I think I will put his bed in conservatory on Tues away from the littlies so he can have another lazy day.

Thank you again.

07-05-2011, 04:37 PM
Hope it goes well.

Our Mylo (JR) has epilepsy, he's 14 now and on no medication, we took him off about 7 years ago as he spent a lot of time sleeping and not being a dog (IYKWIM)

Good luck for the MRI and recovery. xx