View Full Version : signing our paperwork

05-05-2011, 07:00 PM
just a quick question

on policies, risk assesments, planning, obs basically every paper work wise do you put your name on every single piece of paper? and do you have to sign it?
(hope that makes since)



05-05-2011, 07:51 PM
I sign or at least initial virtually everything.

It becomes a habit after a while :D

05-05-2011, 08:50 PM
No, I don't!

I do put my name on RA's because it says in EYFS that each one should state when and by whom it was completed and some (very picky) inspectors have given actions if this isn't done.

But on anything else noooooooooooooo! There's only me here and I know I wrote it so I don't see the need to put my name on it :D

Miffy xx

06-05-2011, 06:16 AM
I have my name on all my policies, RA's and contractual paperwork, but i don't sign everything. I just have it set to print in the margins, I update the date on them everytime I update the paperwork. I also have the review date printed in the margin. On my risk assessments I have the date written set as the watermark because the date is important and relevant to these.
I don't sign every piece though, neither does any other setting I know of - like schools, nurseries, or such.

06-05-2011, 06:22 AM
No, I don't!

I do put my name on RA's because it says in EYFS that each one should state when and by whom it was completed and some (very picky) inspectors have given actions if this isn't done.

But on anything else noooooooooooooo! There's only me here and I know I wrote it so I don't see the need to put my name on it :D

Miffy xx

Thanks for that i didn't realise that must have missed that one due to review/update my RA's soon so will do that. Don't know how I missed that one

06-05-2011, 08:52 AM
thanks everyone